Club cricket comes in a variety of forms: From the show up to drink variety (yes that was us in 1993) to the three practices a week, ruthless selection type.
Our overarching philosophy is neither. We play cricket to have fun... which is somewhere between the two philosophies.
Ultimately we want to get our membership as much cricket as they want. This normally means having a good balance of league games, friendlies, and around one "tour" per month to interesting places to play against good people.
To get to the right number of games, we have a 60-70 game season starting in April and ending in mid to late October. We play on both days, sometimes fielding 4 sides on a weekend! We also have Winter nets organized approximately every other week during the months of January, February and March, for those who want to get their cricket fix during the Winter!
For more information, please contact any of the following people to join / learn more about the club:
Sanjay Bhakta (President):
Ali Abeer (Club Captain):
Praveen Desai (Club Secretary):