Club Captains
Jonathan Wentworth-Ping (1990-1993)
Gavin Murphy (1994-1998)
Brett Collins (1998-2002)
David Quirk (2002-2008)
Neil Harrison (2008-2010)
Sanjay Santhanam (2010-2013)
Keith Lawrence (2014)
Ravi Nichani (2015-2018)
Ganadeep Rey (2019- )
Many other members have captained the club on an occasional or semi-regular basis, sometimes quite competently, sometimes not.
(Individual Career Records have been created for players whose names are highlighted in bold; the criteria are: playing in more than 30 games over multiple seasons; or a player of historical interest; players highlighted in blue appeared in 2019).
NB. A number of games played in the 1990s were not recorded, so players from that era will probably have appeared more times than are listed here. In total, ~785 names appear below. Some of them may represent the same person under different names, as early records are patchy in this respect. Appearances in various intra-club games (Old Dogs vs Young Pups, etc) are included on this list.
610: John Moore
434: Keith Lawrence
416: Neil Harrison
296: Neil Kimberley
261: Ravi Nichani
228: Sanjay Santhanam
226: Anand Chavan
213: Tony Boyke
208: Patrick Taiwo
204: Jonas Wilson
200: Adarsh Shah
189: Peter Jones
175: Bert Simon
171: Amit Arora
146: David Quirk
142: David Johnson
136: Harshad Deshmukh
132: Joe Simon
130: Peter Gray
123: Manish Jadhav
122: Thakur Sharma
118: Sanjay Bhaktar
117: Frank Farricker
116: Herno Smith
116: Jagadeesan Thangavel
114: Prasanna Ramaswamy
112: Andrew Fullard
110: Brett Collins
110: Ganadeep Rey
107: Martin Finn
102: Mohsin Salahuddin
100: Ian Chin
98: Nigel Armitage
95: Sanil Zacharias
90: David Coutts
85: James Thornton
84: Richard Coates
83: Himanshu Chaudhry
80: Noel Green
79: Avinash Mahtani
77: Nikhil Puri
75: Aidan Snee
70: Hensley Dowe
70: David Ennis
67: Eddy Palmer
67: Vinod Mehta
67: Upul Samaranayake
64: Bruce Ennis
63: Sriram Rangarajan
60: Tommy Haydon
60: Dave Daley
59: Anand Subramaniam
58: Tony Forbes
57: Kenny Aarons
56: Kaustuv Banerjee
54: Preet Nagvanshi
54: John Woodbridge
54: Jithender Adelli
53: Abhijeet Kabbur
52: Matthew Blomfield
51: Andy Bush
50: Saad Khan
50: Shadman Islam
48: Hide Kojima
48: Chris Coward
47: Priyaung Chaudhari
46: Anil Yitta
44: Ravi Pillai
44: Zaki Choudhury
43: Justin Wilson
43: Pranil Rao
43: Ammar Pervez
42: Gavin Murphy
41: Lekhraj Bhadava
39: Richard Goodier
39: Yasir Bari
38: Neeraj Kapoor
36: Richard Kanoff
35: Archan Bhavsar
34: Brian Sloman
35: Kevin Dent
34: Sumish Khadka
34: Samyaung Patel
33: Jonathan Wentworth-Ping
32: Vivek Jaiswal
31: Chris McGovern
31: James Cox
31: Varun Vij
31: Emani McPherson
31: Kalyan Venigalla
30: Gaurav Sood
28: Arjun Mukherjee
29: Ali Abeer
28: Pritish Parida
27: Rohit Zawar
26: Merv Trappler
25: Anthony Straw
25: Piyush Sharma
25: Tej Munakala
25: Aditya Kaushik
24: Suyash Bhagwat
24: Jerome Whelan
22: Jamie Benson
22: Manas Dasaraju
21: Tony Sacre
21: Nathan Jones
21: Ron Wolf
21: Kunal Bhalla
21: Dave Goodison
18: Nick Howden
18: Simon Hill
18: Pallav Gupta
18: Narendra Gaur
18: Ashish Sharma
17: Steve Blyth
17: Lawrence McCallum
17: Paul Mascarenhas
17: Raunaq Parikh
17: Naval Singh
17: Rehan Khan
16: Raj Bhattia
16: Jimmy Lanham
16: James Hodges
16: Mark Sharma
16: Aaron Phillips
16: Satya Nitta
15: Simon Wilkinson
15: David Roper
15: James Major
14: Simon Bell
14: Simon Buckley
14: Sukesh Thekkenmar
14: Amit Vaghela
14: Kunal Maini
14: Nimit Suri
13: Howard Chinn
13: Richard Knight
13: Thomas Matthew
13: Robin Nandy
13: Guhan Kumar
13: James Ingram
13: Atta Rahman
13: Sandeep Adlakha
13: Nick Aggarwal
13: Sidharth Anand
13: Dharmesh Surti
Appeared in 12 games: Anmol Virk, Everton Mattis, Bishnu Acharya, Austen Smith, Darren Laurien
Appeared in 11 games: Parag Hollikar, Zaheer Shaikh, Alekh Shah, Sameer Bhatt, Abdullah Syed, Anil Kadimisetty
Appeared in 10 games: Jake Wilson, Mike Baker, Neville, Oscar Thompson, Fred Lee, Kiran Vuppula, Jawad Khan, John Levine, Salil Nanda, Nishanth Gudapati, Akhil Shah
Appeared in 9 games: J. Hart, Biju John, Peter Heywood, Paul Harris, Santosh, Haseeb Sheriff, Nick Cartwright, Shelley Nichani, Mark Audain, Lincoln Harrison, Tim Fawbert, Kedar Chavan, Owais Rana
Appeared in 8 games: Nelson, Wian Oosthuizen, Ollie Kinsey, Sai Cherala, Tom Benedict, John Crozier-Durham, Abhishek Chitale, Rahul Slathia, Praveen Desai
Appeared in 7 games: Mike Baughen, Gavin Moule, Kumar, Thomasson, Terry Kyle, Keilic Wong, James Cox Jr, Sriram Ramesh, Darren Nicol, Alex Curry, Atif Raza, Herman Smith, Mrinal Kumar, Bryan Powell, Mohammed M. Zaman, Karanjit Singh
Appeared in 6 games: Marco Masotti, D. Denny, Davis, Juuriaan Veth, John Lowry, Shane Alon, Simon Percival, Bhavien Trivedi, Sartaj Bhuiyan, Antu Dey, Sri Garamella, David Stubbs, Jaymin Shah, Everton McHargh, Pete Plunkett, Hammad Hussein, Mihir Mehta, Yuv Nichani, Tony Thandi, Tushar Parekh, Josh Webb
Appeared in 5 games: Tim Reid, R. Longmuir, Kevin Kent, George Frazer, Peter Goggin, Kerr, Andrew Chick, Nick Kita, Verma, Bolger, Andrew Purdy, Tristram, Mengede, Matthew Veedon, Salman Sheik, Deryk McDonald, Reddy, Brendan Larder, Ramani, Mark Edge, Andrew Corkin, Srinivas Somayajula, Muhammedh Sajat, Shiv Kumalall, Vaibhav Kapoor, Mohammed M. Rasal, Charu Choudhari, Raj Khatri, Shrikant Patra
Appeared in 4 games: A. Longmuir, Sunhail, Moorcroft, John Sanders, Darragh Dempsey, Delbert, Scowen, Christian Roberts, Krishnan Ramachandran, Bailey Whelan, Rod Evans, Rory McHarg, Adrian Bazilio, Andre Cousins, Tim Pratt, Arif Sheikh, Darshak Shah, Shankar Ramakrishnan, Xitij Patel, Vikram Raj, Mirza Ahmed, Milton Murphy, Mohammed Iqbal, Karl Ernest
Appeared in 3 games: Pates, Patel, C. Harris, Cohen, Hamilton, Kennedy, Vann, Hodgetts, McIntyre, Mairs, Blumberg, Beatty, Hyman, Rob Tuchener, Baird, Daley, Goodson, Adam Cornell, Faisal Sheriff, Duncton, Keshava, Henry Minson, Dhwanil, Thapar, John Brophy, Weisse, Shalabh, Bharat, Nick Anderson, Kamlesh Yadav, Jordi Kaytes, Craig Joss, Cameron Sim, Stuart Mills, Alex Garman, Joe Albert, Noah Wilson, Varun Das, Alex Sobers, Ed Bolingbroke, Virat Saraswat, Greg Ashton, Nikhil Thakar, Stu Neilson, Baset Chaudhry, Stephen Ward, Wes Smith, Yasir Abbas, Myles Shipman, Nischay Mishra, Navneet Prasad, Manoj M., Steve Hind, Kiran Nistala, Kawser Iqbal, Vikram Singh, Junahed J. Ahmed, Nihaal Kochar, Sai Girish, Madhusudan Madhu, Girish Biddala
Appeared in 2 games: Downes, Clapperton, Osborne, Stuart, Meryl Roth, Tadek, Chaturvedi, Chris Stubbs, Mark Nicholas, Matt Hickman, Charles, Haring, Cobbledick, Rajiv, Datar, Bronx, Scottie, De Lacey, Currin, Lawson, Stewart, John Long, Kirmani, Vish, Delaney, Rajeeb, Lokesh, Chris Jones, Schwartz, Michael Moore, Costello, Lincoln, Deonarine, Warner, Andreas Oosthuizen, McMillen, Satish, Sheetal, Robyn Hounsell, Som, S. Ali, Kissoon, Z. Syed, N. Jones, D. Wilson, Allen, Rick, Saqib, Rohan Poojary, Jean-Christophe Bray, Kishan Kumar, Kanwaldeep Kalsi, Karthik Rao, Gagan Dhillon, Sarosh Waghmar, Anurag Jain, Vivek Bansal, Ammar Mukadam, Don Hettiarachchi, Danish Asif, Kunal Bhavsar, Vinod Chaturvedi, Patrick Donnerstag, Oliver Franks, Viiveek Sankar, Naveen Mamidyala, Ms. Katrina Lambrose, Parag Khanapurkar, Simon Jacobs, Vishwesh Khatkool, Ritesh Dudilla, Divye Goyal, Nafees Fuad, Aazim Sohail, Justin Barkhuizen, Sanjay Bajaj, Nitin Talwar, Mohammed Aren Biko, Arafat Asif, Sidharth Rambadri, Parag Khanapurkar, Deep Chakrabarti, Asraf Hossain, Mohammad Sediq, Vishal Ahuja, Bhumin Desai, Shawn Islam, Harold Vassell, Balwant Mahankali, Bushant, Wally Iqbal, Srikanth Rangarajan, George Kinsey, Faizal Shaikh, Ahmed Khattak, Mohamed Ayoob, Jahmid Ahmed, Omer Qadir, Sandeep Malhotra
Appeared in 1 game: J. McNaughton, T. Ramlal, Short Pants, C. Smith, Saff, Locke, Green, Barry Wood, Teden, Helen Berman, Paresh, Carrigan, Wershaven, Watters, Coad, Warden, Thaw, Anel, Singh, Steve, Ritchie, Pat, Hassan, Marcus, Faroukh Engineer, Ali, Sunil, Griffin, Terrence, Nolan, Tommo, Vetch, R. Wentworth-Ping, Ajanth, Arvind, Dennis, Ravi, Bryan Murrat, Stuart Hallam, Jon Hoyes, Bending, Abraham, Andrew, Hamish Miller, D’Abo, Jiggo, Jeremy, Shein, Wood, Bidencope, Damon, Alex, Ben, Martin, Olbourne, Rahamm, Maxi, Sajja, Bart Withstanley, A. Smith, Hassam, Ramish, Swamy, Liendl, Jones, Ward, Cahill, Tex, Chase, Gascin, Wakefield, Passear, Jarrett, Lambert, Michael, Camburn, Dinesh, Coulson, Shahid, Keith, Pavell, Naik, Marc Carcanague, Hurst, Sathappan, Everett, Marnow, Rohan, Marriner, Franklin, Sittol, Ralph, Philip, Omar, Idris, Ahmed, Kapoor, D.Smith, Bob, Ali, Saad, Harding-Smith, Wright, Bhattia, Mercurious, Linga, Roberts, Hadingham, Munli, Yamin, Mike, Vivek, Daniel, Williams, Meryle, Manohar, Rob, Ruparel, Nembard, Boon, Ward, Steadman, Greenow, Susan Coates, N. Hay, C. Hay, Patel, Venu, Jack Heely, Srinivaj, Navin, Gin, Chris Sargent, Clarence Modeste, Ramsen, Naraine, Thompson, Haye, Wright, Vinodh, Irfan, Vines, Kevin Johnson, Malhotra, Zamim, McHeart, Madev, Abdul, Meek, Sahram, Amir, Hemakonda, Tushar, Vijay, Louie, Thomas, Camfer, Balki, Daniels, Allen, Maycock, Marshall, Krishnan, Ike, Tristan, BK, Mahesh, Minty, McLeod, Abishek Som, Brereton, Anadeju, Sourab, S. Cox, Sandish, Nichol, Neela, Kyle, A. Ali, Davis, Usamah, Faisal, Kiran, Kashuv, Skipp, Lomesh, De Patoul, Watson, Eastland, Collins, Sid, Dushyant, Hill, Matthew, Brooke, Rahul, Ehsan, Srikanth, Mike Thomas, Mayur, Arash, Marc Wetherhill, Marlin, Abdullah, Chin, Khamal, Tom, Rob Imperatore, Prasad, Nikhil Khartik, Hitender, Martin Cass, Satish, Jamaai, Chaitanya Chitta, Harun, Vish, Ian Webb, Graham Webb, Ata, Nischint Sundar, Vikram Ramalinga, Kishan Vaidyanat, Kadar Chavan, Christy Kulasingham, Dan Barker, Shalin Saini, Steve Mostyn, Adam Markham, Sameer, Sauraj, Daud, Naresh, Matt Konig, Krunal Solanki, Dan Witters, Bill Cordingley, Ketan Patel, Atul Paralkar, Greg Briggs, Tom Fanning, Ben Chesters, Abhishek Gupta, Syed Hassan, Chetan Vig, Philip Robertson, Kishan Dass, Toby Whelan, Ryan Ramnarine, Bala Krishnamurti, Dave Ciampa, Satya Bhavaraju, Arvindra Kumalalll, Arjun Vaidya, Andy Bhattacharya, Naimesh, Arya, Ashok, Poro, Derek Narayan, Umer Mukthar, Sulaman Saeed, Amandeep Dhillon, Brendon Ward, Siddhant Jhunjhunwala, Vijay Parvathaneni, Tom Robertson, Majid Arab, Robin Lynch, Rajeev Kasthuri, Drew DeCarvalho, Anurag Dhingra, Greg Uzelac, Chip Buttler, Karthik Subramaniam, Alan Cheek, John Wise, Jitin Patel, Ashish Patel, Pradeep Singh, Amit Bhoyar, Sekhar Malladi, Peter Buscall, Iresh Pillay, Adam Scholem, Andrew Dexter, Sumish Jr., Ms. Janki, Ms. Sweta Shah, Ms. Parik Nanda, M. Navid, Rodney Rickets, Nikhil Mahajan, S. Maniar, Angus Bell, Obier Bell, Jonadab Theodore, Arashinder Dhaliwal, Hunter Joss, Richard Rodney, Alex McKone, Nitin Wagadia, G. Huasaini, Amandeep Dhillon, M. Saqib, M. Rozbeh, Sushant Modani, M. Habib, Venkat Sampath, Mayank Vyas, Abhay Joshi, Kishan, P. Arya, S. Biswas, Ms. Meg Teckman-Fullard, Mustafa Naqvi, Badree Hoboken, Shashank Gupta, Umar Ali, Gurtej Singh, Stavan Karia, Smit, Saif Hossain, O’Neil Wilson, Keith Salmon, David Artwell, Jermaine Clarke, Mark Vernon, Jamal, Navam, Suleman, Rakesh, Amish, Kiran, Andrew Whyte, Carlton Whyte, Andre Johnson, Shreyas Ravishankar, Abdool Shakur, Alexander van Niekerk, Johann van Niekerk, Navneet Dogra, John Hilaire, Rafael Alfaro, Carl Alexander, Rhett Buttler, Ali Merion, Yasir Shah, Sulaiman Ahmed, Ritesh Dudilla, Vivek Chandran, Manish Singh, Daeo Eswar, Hritik Paul, Robert Glass, Srikanth Dabbiru, Kranthi Edla, Shahzad Khawaja, Joe Southgate, S. Patra, V. Vishwasrao, S. Ueda, Fabian Riss
NB. Six females have represented the Mad Dogs: Helen Berman in 1992, Susan Coates in 2003, Katrina Lambrose, Sweta Shah and Janki in 2014, Meg Teckman-Fullard in 2017. Ms. Lambrose took a fine catch, off the bowling of her boyfriend, Herno Smith, and also played in 2015, as did Parik Nanda, who outperformed her husband, Salil, in all respects. Ms. Teckman-Fullard fielded on the Sarasota trip as enthusiastically as her husband, Andy.
First-class players appearing for the Mad Dogs
Barry Wood of Lancashire and England (inter alia) scored 8 and had bowling figures of 5-1-18-2 vs Charlotte in the 1992 Charlotte Festival.
Faroukh Engineer of Lancashire and India (inter alia) scored 17 and had bowling figures of 5-0-32-2 vs Bank of Bermuda in the 1993 Charlotte Festival.
Mark Nicholas of Hampshire and England A (inter alia) scored 60 and had bowling figures of 5-0-20-1 vs Bank of Bermuda in the 1993 Charlotte Festival; and scored 0 and had bowling figures of 3-0-18-0 against Germantown in the 1997 Philadelphia Festival.
Hamish Miller of Glamorgan (inter alia) played once for the Dogs in a 1994 Charlotte Festival game taking one wicket (5-0-44-1) in a victory over the hosts but not batting. Sadly, he died 3 years later, on a flight from Alburqueque to Salt Lake City.
Peter Goggin of Queensland appeared in 5 games for the Dogs in the 1996 and 1997 Charlotte Festivals, scoring a century and a fifty.
Stuart Mills of Wellington, New Zealand scored an unbeaten century on debut for the Dogs in 2011, and followed it up with a 50 in his second innings. Cricket being the great leveler it is, he fell cheaply to a very occasional bowler in his third.
Everton Mattis of Kingston, Jamaica, who played 4 Tests for the West Indies against England in 1981, joined the Dogs in 2013, soon scoring an SCL 50. He was lured to the club by the opportunity to be mentored and coached by the Dogs’ own West Indian, “Sir Keith” Lawrence.
First-class players appearing against the Mad Dogs
Faroukh Engineer (India) also appeared against the Dogs in one or two Charlotte Festival games in 1994/95, allegedly being dismissed LBW by David Johnson in one of those innings (although no record of this event exists).
Richard Hadlee (New Zealand) played against the Dogs in the 1998 Philadelphia Festival, bowling Neil Kimberley; arguably, this was a career highlight for both players.
Gary Kirsten (South Africa) and John Davidson (Canada) were each bowled, for 37 and 41 respectively, by Tony Boyke in the 2000 Philadelphia Festival game against Toronto. Kirsten was again bowled by Boyke (for 14) when appearing for British and Dominion against the Dogs in the 2002 Festival, and failed to take a wicket.
Shiv Chanderpaul was caught by Jonas Wilson off Hide Kojima for 73, playing for Sarasota in 2007 immediately before departing to India to represent the West Indies (where he scored over 150 in his next innings, a one-day international). He failed to take a wicket despite the presence of Neil Kimberley at the crease for his entire bowling spell during an innings of 72. He appeared again against the Dogs in 2014, again playing for Sarasota, and was not dismissed in either innings, much to the displeasure of Avi Mahtani and the discomfort of Saad Khan…
Jonty Rhodes (South Africa) scored an unbeaten 50 for Germantown against the Mad Dogs in the 2008 Philadelphia Festival, including a memorable front-foot sweep for 6 off the disbelieving Tony Boyke. He was less successful with the ball, bowling mostly against Coates and Quirk.
Faoud Bacchus (West Indies) scored 18 for Sarasota against the Mad Dogs in 2010, before being caught and bowled by Sanjay Santhanam.
Michael Kasprowicz (Australia) played for Philadelphia against the Mad Dogs in the 2010 PICF, bowling Quirk and dismissing Blomfield LBW, and scoring 20 before falling to a catch by Preet N. off the bowling of Jonas Wilson.
David Ferreira (Bermuda and Oxford University) scored an unbeaten 50 for Merion against the Mad Dogs in 2010, as well as running out Gray and Adarsh with accurate throws. He failed to take a wicket.
Sunil Joshi (India) appeared against the Dogs in the 2011 PICF, scoring an unbeaten 44 and returning figures of 4-1-13-0.
Ashish Bagai (Canada) appeared for Toronto against the Dogs in the 2011 PICF, fresh from playing in the World Cup. He scored 7* and took the wicket of Craig Joss (guesting for the Dogs) in a spell of 4-0-23-1.
Paul Harris (South Africa) played for Merion in the 2012 PICF, having recently retired from Test cricket. He was struck for 4 by David Quirk (a significant fraction of the latter’s runs in 2012), and was stumped for 18 by Keith Lawrence off the bowling of fellow slow left-armer, Anand Chavan.
Ben Scott (England Lions and several Counties) played for London Casuals in the 2013 PICF, scoring a very rapid 40 before the mandatory retirement. He was particularly unkind to Ravi Nichani, taking 4 boundaries off his opening over.
Adam Sanford and Sewnarine Chattergoon, both former West Indies test players, combined their talents for the Hamden Combined XI in a 2016 SCtCA game that the Dogs won by 1 wicket chasing 79. Bert Simon bowled Chattergoon for 41 while Herno Smith did the same to Sanford for 5. In response, Sanford reciprocated by bowling Smith and also bowled Samyaung Patel. Sanford had also played against the Dogs in earlier years.
Jaskaran Malhotra (Himachal Pradesh) played for New Haven Eagles in a 2016 SCtCA game against the Dogs, scoring 22 before Keith Lawrence caught him off Jaga Thangavel for 22. With the ball, he dismissed Akhil Shah for 0. The game ended controversially when last man Neil Harrison was “Mankaded”.
Ryan Bovvell, an ex-Captain of the Cayman Islands national team, for which he played two first-class games, appeared for Sarasota on the Dogs’ trip south in January 2017. He scored 36 before falling to Thangavel, and dismissed Saad Khan in an excellent bowling spell.
The former South African wicket-keeper/batsman Steve Palframan played for Western Province in the 2017 PICF. He had appeared in 7 ODIs, including the 1996 World Cup, but was run out by Bert Simon for 22 after opening with his kinsman Andrew and then batting with a second, Mike.
In late March 2019, the Dogs played in a T20 tournament in St. Martin, coming up against two much stronger sides and not faring very well…
In the first game, the Dogs game up against the AxA Tigers from Anguilla. Opening the batting were Chesney Hughes, who played 87 first-class games in the West Indies and England with a highest score of 270*; and Montcin Hodge, who has played 75 first-class games for the Leeward Islands and other local sides and has a highest score of 158. In this game, the pair batted through the 20-overs to put on 227 (Hodge 84 not out, Hughes 138 not out). The number-3 batsman, Jahmar Hamilton, (78 first-class games, 130* highest score) must have been a bit miffed to not get a bat… Kelbert Walters, with 9 first-class games under his belt, opened the bowling but did not take a wicket (although he ran out Sanjay Bhakta). Yannick Leonard, having played 8 first-class games, dismissed Karanjit Singh in a spell of 1 for 7 off 4 overs. Chaka Hodge (13 games) took the wickets of Prasanna Ramaswamy and Omer Qadir, but conceded 33 runs from his 4 overs. The Dogs lost the game comfortably.
The Adam Sanford All Stars XI included four ex-West Indies Test players and two more with first-class experience. The Test stars were Shivnarine Chanderpaul (164 Tests), who scored 210 not out from 76 balls; Dwayne Smith (10 Tests), who scored 52 from 29 balls before falling to a catch off Anand Chavan; Sulieman Benn (26 Tests), who bowled 1.2 overs and took the wicket of Omer Qadir; and Adam Sanford (11 Tests) who dismissed Sanjay Bhakta in his 3-over spell. Rahkeem Cornwall, who played 53 first-class games for the Leeward Islands and other sides, smashed 16 off 6 balls before holing out off Ravi Nichani, and dismissed Sriram Rangarajan when he bowled a 2-over spell. He made his Test debut a few months later, although it seems unlikely that Rangarajan’s dismissal was a factor in the selectors’ thinking. John Eugene, a Windwards Islands veteran of 48 first-class games, contributed 15 not out to the Stars’ total. The Dogs conceded 303 for 2 from the 20 overs they bowled, and did not manage to chase down the total.
On the Prague T-20 Festival Tour, the Dogs encountered the Sledgehammer XI from India, who included Deepak Sharma in their side. Despite a first-class career of 9 games for Assam between 2008-2010, Sharma was dismissed for only 7, caught by Sandeep Adlakha off the bowling of Karanjeet Singh. His side, unperturbed, nonetheless racked up 230 for 7 from their 20 overs on the way to an easy win.
Batting records
Highest Partnerships
All century stands are listed, or the top 10 (plus ties) recorded partnerships for each wicket
1st Wicket
252: Adarsh S. (100*), Piyush S. (89*), J. Thornton (42) for Young Pups vs Old Dogs (Adarsh/Piyush, 185) (2010)
221: K. Lawrence (108*), D. Quirk (84) vs UBS (2002)
189: K. Lawrence (73*), E. Palmer (80) vs Sarasota (2006)
148: E. McPherson (109*), D. Quirk (63) vs Bergen (2013)
141*: J. Whelan (41*), N. Harrison (23*), N. Kimberley (32*), P. Gray (10*), J. Moore (7*), B. Whelan (2*) vs Germantown (2010)
139: V. Jaiswal (53*), N. Sundar (75*), A. Mahtani (3) vs KPMG (Jaiswal/Sundar, 131*) (2011)
134: S. Hill (102), K. Lawrence (40) vs Sarasota (2015)
133: E. Palmer (51*), N. Kimberley (50*), D. Johnson (4), B. Ennis (8) vs B & D (Palmer/Kimberley, 118) (2005)
129*: P. Chaudhari (43*), S. Bhakta (37*), J. Webb (25*) vs RAC (PICF) (Chaudhari/Bhakta, ~85) (2018)
128: N. Kimberley (28*), K. Lawrence (61), Blyth (29) vs United (Lawrence/Blyth, 96) (1999)
125: S. Santhanam (119*), D. Quirk (26) vs Gypsies (2001)
123: K. Lawrence (33), E. Palmer (79) vs Staten Island (2004)
123: S. Bhatt (28), A. Subramaniam (101*) vs Wadadli (2019)
118: K. Lawrence (56), E. Palmer (45) vs United (2005)
115: J. Hodges (41), I. Chin (58*), N. Armitage (26*) vs St. Lawrence Pirates (Armitage/Chin, 105) (2012)
115: N. Green (33*), I. Chin (51*), B. Desai (11) vs Staten Island (Green/Chin, 88*) (2018)
113: K. Lawrence (40*), A. Snee (41*), Jones (19), S. Santhanam (0) vs Germantown (2015)
112: N. Kimberley (39), K. Lawrence (68) vs Norwalk (2001)
110: K. Lawrence (46), R. Coates (52) vs United (2002)
110: K. Lawrence (101), D. Quirk (57) vs Hoboken (2002)
108: A. Fullard (49*), T. Munakala (53*), J. Thangavel (4) vs Hoboken (Fullard/Munakala, 78*) (2019)
107: J. Benson (54), A. Chick (47) vs CC Morris Cricket Library (1997)
106*: A. Fullard (50*), H. Deshmukh (51*), F. Farricker (4*) vs Merion (Fullard/Deshmukh, 94*) (2019)
105: K. Lawrence (69*), R. Coates (70) vs Waterbury (2002)
102: Piyush (40), D. Quirk (71) vs Staten Island (2010)
101: K. Lawrence (67), D. Quirk (42) vs Waterbury (2003)
101: A. Snee (35), S. Khadka (52) vs Primrose (2016)
100: K. Lawrence (103*), N. Kimberley (34) vs Fairfield (2007)
100: K. Lawrence (26*), A. Fullard (31*), Adarsh S. (28), G. Rey (3) vs Hoboken (Lawrence/Fullard, 71*) (2017)
(~100: N. Kimberley (64), B. Ennis (43) vs Lehigh, 2000 – records incomplete)
2nd Wicket
183*: K. Lawrence (53*), J. Thornton (137*) vs Hoboken (2006)
176: S. Hill (105*), Adarsh S. (50*), N. Armitage (21*), M. Salahuddin (7) vs Sarasota (Hill/Adarsh, 144) (2016)
153: K. Lawrence (31*), A. Fullard (78), H. Deshmukh (38) vs Hoboken (Lawrence/Fullard, 75) (2017)
137: T. Haydon (76), N. Harrison (33) vs Westchester (2005)
135: N. Kimberley (72), R. Knight (56) vs Sarasota (2007)
128: K. Lawrence (101), B. Collins (50) vs Hoboken (2002)
122*: S. Bhatt (84*), A. Kaushik (53*) vs Danbury (2019)
117: Adarsh S. (49), B. Simon (49) vs Costa Crusaders (2016)
~114: H. Smith (101*), A. Chavan (45*) for D. Coutts’ XI vs B. Simon’s XI (2015)
111: K. Lawrence (49), R. Coates (76) vs Fairfield (2008)
109: S. Khadka (58), Adarsh S. (61) vs Spartan (2015)
~109: P. Plunkett (45), E. McPherson (112*) vs West Haven (2013)
108: L. McCallum (101*), B. Collins (34*) vs Peachtree (1992)
107: K. Banerjee (64), O. Kinsey (101*) vs KPMG (2007)
107: A. Ali (33*), R. Knight (53*), N. Kimberley (40*), Syed (2) vs Merion (2007)
106: K. Lawrence (31), J. Woodbridge (76), J. Lanham (7) vs St. Lawrence Pirates (Lawrence/Woodbridge, 94) (2010)
105: J. Benson (46), A. Straw (63) vs BOCC (1997)
105: Adarsh S. (75), E, McPherson (48) vs Eagles (2014)
100: H. Chaudry (62*), V. Jaiswal (25*) vs Staten Island (2014)
3rd Wicket
165: J. Benson (124*), S. Blyth (63*) vs Warwick (1997)
135: N. Green (50*), A. Arora (50*), N. Harrison (30*), P. Jones (19) vs Legacy Supermix (2017)
131: J. Cox (59), R. Coates (74) vs Waterbury (2003)
130: K. Aarons (79), T. Sacre (63) vs Columbia University (1998)
130: R. Nichani (51*), G. Rey (53*), S. Rangarajan (21) vs Staten Island (Nichani/Rey, 100*) (2019)
127: A. Straw (85), T. Sacre (21*) vs Renesslaer (1997)
127: G. Rey (57), Adarsh S. (77) vs Galacticos (WSL) (2018)
123: K. Aarons (64), G. Murphy (70) vs Charlotte (1998)
120: K. Lawrence (50), A. Dhillon (57*), H. Chaudhry (20) vs Staten Island (2016)
119*: O. Kinsey (101*), G. Sood (43*), K. Lawrence (31*) vs KPMG (Kinsey/Sood, 52*, Sood/Lawrence, 67*) (2007)
117: H. Minson (89), Thompson (41) vs Atlantis/Everest (2004)
114: P. Gray (50*), Adarsh S. (50*), D. Shah (2), A. Chavan (2) vs Greenwich/Bedford (Gray/Adarsh, 105*) (2010)
113: D. Quirk (54*), R. Coates (50*), Prasanna R. (10) vs Germantown (2008)
106: K. Lawrence (92), B. Collins (28) vs New Haven (2001)
106: Prasanna R. (60*), Achal (41*), N. Kimberley (8), P. Hollikar (22*) vs Merion (Prasanna/Achal, 79) (2006)
106: E. Palmer (12), J. Moore (41), T. Boyke (44) vs Waterbury (Moore/Boyke, 93) (2004)
103: A. Straw (82), K. Aarons (24) vs BOCC (1996)
100: N. Kimberley (41), C. Coward (57) vs United (2002)
4th Wicket
179: Prasanna R. (133), J. Moore (49) vs Gypsies (2007)
168: E. Mattis (63), E. McPherson (88) vs NH Eagles (2013)
157: Adarsh S. (47*), A. Snee (56*), H. Choudhury (39) for Young Pups vs Old and Wise Dogs (2014)
155: K. Lawrence (103*), H. Chinn (51*) vs BOCC (2000) (others possibly involved)
148: E. McPherson (109*), D. Quirk (63) vs Bergen (2013)
119: K. Lawrence (74), B. Simon (64) vs Staten Island (2010)
114: L. McCallum (61), S. Wilkinson (55*) vs McKinsey (1992)
114*: R. Goodier (74*), Jonas Wilson (47*) vs Bergen (2010)
113: I. Chin (31), V. Vij (84*) vs Westchester (2012)
107: H. Deshmukh (54*), J. Thangavel (30*), Rakesh (7), N. Gudapati (1*) vs DJM Chin Combine (Deshmukh/Thangavel ~98) (2017)
104: D. Johnson (53), T. Boyke (84*) vs Hoboken (2002)
100: S. Santhanam (50), R. Goodier (36) vs NY Kookaburras (2011)
5th Wicket
165: J. Thangavel (72*), H. Deshmukh (92) vs Hoboken (2017)
127: A. Fullard (64*), Shadman Islam (56) vs Dynamic (2016)
117: K. Lawrence (33), C. Coward (70) vs UBS (2002)
116: Sriram Rangarajan (40*), H. Deshmukh (74) vs Wanderers NY (NYCL) (2018)
107*: Adarsh S. (71*), K. Lawrence (40*) vs Yale (2009)
106: N. Puri (105), Upul S. (32) vs Sarasota (2012)
105: N. Puri (40*), J. Woodbridge (40*), A. Chavan (14) vs Commonwealth (Puri/Woodbridge, ~75) (2013)
101: S. Khadka (53*), R. Nichani (22), A. Chavan (38*) vs World XI (2016)
99: Jonas Wilson (33), H. Smith (64*) vs New Milford (2012)
99: S. Khan (62), R. Nichani (22) vs Cornwall (2015)
6th Wicket
134*: K. Lawrence (54*), Adarsh S. (46*) vs Sarasota (2015)
124: Jonas Wilson (91), J. Thornton (57) vs BOCC (2002)
112: R. Slathia (42*), A. Abeer (50*), J. Thangavel (7*) vs Wadadli (2019)
110: P. Jones (51), A. Chavan (25) vs Galacticos (2019)
93: A. Abeer (41), T. Munakala (54) vs Bridgeport (2019)
84: N. Green (83*), K. Bhalla (28) vs Dynamic (2017)
81: K. Lawrence (103*), J. Moore (29), P. Taiwo (12*) vs Fairfield (Lawrence/Moore, 63) (2007)
78: T. Sacre (49), Nelson (27) vs Demerara (2000)
77*: P. Goggin (120*), Jonas Wilson (4*) vs BOCC (1996)
74: K. Lawrence (51*), J. Moore (40*), R. Wolf (23) vs Merion (Moore/Wolf, 65) (2007)
74: N. Harrison (33), N. Anderson (38) vs Greenwich/Bedford (2009)
74: A. Chavan (43*), Ketan (34) vs Fairfield (2013)
7th Wicket
95*: A. Kaushik (42*), G. Rey (42*) vs Fairfield (2019)
83*: A. Chavan (36*), H. Chaudhry (34*) vs Bridgeport (2017)
79: Ferguson (49*), N. Harrison (54) vs Pressure Pumpers (2007)
79: S. Santhanam (64), S. Zacharias (19) vs Hoboken (2010)
76: Prasanna R. (86), T. Boyke (35*) vs UBS (2004)
76*: S. Mills (101*), J. Moore (9*) vs KPMG (2011)
76*: H. Smith (64*), A. Chavan (49*) vs New Milford (2012)
72: K. Banerjee (48), N. Harrison (17) vs St. Columba’s (2007)
71*: M. Carcanague (51*), B. Sloman (15*) vs BOCC (1999)
70: J. Hodges (43), V. Das (35*) vs Staten Island (2012)
8th Wicket
79: J. Thangavel (59), Shadman Islam (32) vs Windies (2016)
76*: N. Harrison (48*), Preet N. (25*) vs Staten Island (2008)
69: R. Coates (53*), J. Moore (19) vs Fairfield (2006)
67: A. Chavan (22*), B. Simon (39*) vs Brass City (2017)
65: H. Dowe (38), J. Moore (23) vs Westchester (2012)
64: Adarsh S. (63*), I. Chin (38) vs Fairfield (2012)
62: S. Santhanam (31), B. Simon (26*) vs Westchester (2011)
~59: A. Kabbur (37*), D. Surti (26*) vs Valley Atomic (NYCL) (2018)
58: D. Goodison (42), J. Moore (12*) vs Galacticos (2013)
55: N. Puri (76*), J. Moore (10) vs Yale (2013)
55: J. Thangavel (75*), A. Chavan (19) vs Fairfield (2019)
9th Wicket
91: T. Forbes (59), T. Boyke (40) vs Demerara (1999)
75*: A. Fullard (42*), J. Thangavel (40*) vs Dynamic (2019)
69: N. Puri (23), N. Harrison (30*) vs Columbia (2013)
66: B. Simon (33*), J. Moore (25) vs Fairfield (2015)
64: A. Yitta (31*), N. Harrison (17*), Neela (1) vs Windsor (Yitta/Harrison 61*) (2007)
62: Adarsh S. (55*), A. Chavan (18) vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2015)
59*: J. Thangavel (75*), P. Jones (10*) vs Fairfield (2019)
56: R. Goodier (67), S. Zacharias (21) vs Westchester (2010)
50*: J. Cox (26*), J. Moore (18*) vs Hoboken (2003)
50: B. Simon (22*), N. Harrison (26) vs Columbia (2009)
10th Wicket
58: Suraj (52), Daud (9*) vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2012)
58: A. Abeer (82), V. Mehta (14) vs Hoboken (2019)
54: R. Nichani (31*), A. Bhavsar (8) vs Bergen (2011)
52: J. Moore (15), N. Harrison (19*) vs United (2004)
44: R. Nichani (24*), N. Gaur (5) for M. Salahuddin’s XI vs A. Chavan’s XI (2017)
42: T. Boyke (38*), Thakur S. (5) for Old and Wise Dogs vs Young and Callow Pups (2010)
38: P. Jones (15), B. Simon (25*) vs Sarasota (2008)
37: L. Harrison (15*), Ramani (25) vs St. Albano’s (2008)
34: T. Forbes (24*), D. Johnson (5) vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1998)
34: T. Boyke (44*), J. Ingram (22) vs Old Anthonians (2011)
Individual Run-Scoring Records
Most Runs (career) Minimum, 500 Runs
9845: K. Lawrence
3983: Adarsh S.
3527: J. Moore
3141: Prasanna R.
3063: N. Kimberley
2663: R. Nichani
2656: A. Chavan
2507: S. Santhanam
2437: A. Arora
2285: Jonas Wilson
2282: D. Quirk
2081: A. Fullard
2071: N. Harrison
2005: T. Boyke
1952: R. Coates
1876: G. Rey
1873: J. Thornton
1862: H. Smith
1840: H. Deshmukh
1734: J. Thangavel
1679: S. Bhakta
1512: B. Simon
1400: A. Snee
1397: M. Salahuddin
1347: N. Armitage
1311: I. Chin
1308: P. Taiwo
1275: E. Palmer
1245: T. Haydon
1245: P. Jones
1242: N. Green
1218: H. Chaudhry
1178: N. Puri
1093: D. Johnson
1080: P. Chaudhari
1070: B. Collins
905: Justin Wilson
893: K. Aarons
873: P. Gray
846: E. McPherson
826: A. Mahtani
817: R. Goodier
804: J. Woodbridge
766: V. Vij
710: Shadman Islam
705: A. Straw
703: S. Khan
695: D. Daley
672: G. Murphy
657: A. Subramaniam
644: B. Ennis
641: C. Coward
638: Sriram Rangarajan
629: A. Abeer
582: K. Banerjee
567: D. Coutts
561: S. Khadka
558: L. McCallum
544: N. Kapoor
544: R. Pillai
541: V. Mehta
523: A. Yitta
NB. Willy Wide-Ball, the club’s most consistent performer, has probably contributed over 20,000 runs over the years…
Most Runs (season) Minimum 500
900: Adarsh S. (2014)
830: K. Lawrence (2007)
777: Adarsh S. (2015)
737: G. Rey (2019)
687: K. Lawrence (2010)
650: K. Lawrence (2002)
644: A. Fullard (2017)
639: J. Thangavel (2017)
629: A. Abeer (2019) (in debut season)
602: K. Lawrence (2005)
582: K. Lawrence (2015)
560: A. Arora (2013)
556: K. Lawrence (2006)
540: J. Thangavel (2019)
538: H. Deshmukh (2017)
537: J. Thornton (2010)
536: S. Bhakta (2018)
535: K. Lawrence (2012)
533: V. Vij (2012)
531: A. Fullard (2019)
529: N. Green (2017)
524: K. Lawrence (2000)
524: M. Salahuddin (2017)
522: Adarsh S. (2012)
515: J. Thangavel (2016) (in debut season)
510: S. Santhanam (2010)
509: K. Lawrence (2014)
506: K. Lawrence (2011)
504: Adarsh S. (2016)
Multiple 500-run seasons
10: K. Lawrence
4: Adarsh S.
3: J. Thangavel
2: A. Fullard
Highest Batting Average (career) Minimum, 500 runs
39.86: L. McCallum
35.29: Prasanna R.
33.11: A. Abeer
32.54: E. McPherson
32.05: A. Straw
30.00: P. Chaudhari
28.37: V. Vij
28.29: K. Lawrence
27.11: R. Coates
25.88: J. Thangavel
25.86: H. Smith
25.05: Adarsh S.
25.14: Justin Wilson
25.00: A. Snee
24.97: J. Thornton
24.76: R. Goodier
23.94: T. Haydon
23.38: A. Fullard
22.18: N. Green
21.61: E. Palmer
20.92: N. Kapoor
20.85: M. Salahuddin
20.36: G. Murphy
20.10: J. Woodbridge
19.97: N. Puri
19.34: G. Rey
19.18: D. Quirk
19.10: T. Boyke
18.85: C. Coward
18.74: H. Chaudhry
18.64: I. Chin
18.49: R. Nichani
18.32: A. Chavan
18.21: S. Khadka
17.66: A. Arora
17.51: K. Aarons
17.32: Shadman Islam
17.27: N. Armitage
17.17: S. Santhanam
16.62: S. Bhakta
16.14: H. Deshmukh
16.09: B. Simon
16.34: S. Khan
15.54: R. Pillai
14.60: A. Subramaniam
14.53: A. Yitta
14.37: Jonas Wilson
13.83: D. Coutts
13.53: K. Banerjee
13.11: A. Mahtani
13.11: D. Daley
12.88: B. Ennis
12.51: Sriram Rangarajan
12.30: B. Collins
12.26: A. Kabbur
12.11: N. Harrison
12.11: N. Kimberley
12.01: D. Johnson
11.77: V. Mehta
11.72: J. Moore
9.96: P. Jones
9.09: P. Gray
8.23: P. Taiwo
NB. The club’s overall batting average is 19.42 but this figure is skewed upwards by the substantial contributions of Willy Wide-Ball and his colleagues, Nobby Balls et al. For runs scored solely off the bat, the mean average is probably around 17.50.
Highest Batting Average (season)
Minimum, 5 completed innings; Top 10
68:00: H. Smith (2018)
64.00: Prasanna R. (2017)
54.73: K. Lawrence (2005)
54.17: K. Lawrence (2002)
51.88: K. Lawrence (2007)
51.75: Prasanna R. (2019)
51.00: Justin Wilson (1993)
50.56: E. McPherson (2013)
47.14: S. Bhatt (2019)
47.10: L. McCallum (1992)
Highest Scoring Rate, runs/100 balls (career)
Minimum, 500 runs off balls that were recorded
144: Prasanna R.
130: R. Pillai
120: A. Abeer
117: V. Vij
112: T. Boyke
103: C. Coward
101: R. Coates
99.5: Shadman Islam
95.0: E. McPherson
94.8: J. Thornton
91.7: H. Chaudhry
88.4: V. Mehta
85.1: N. Kapoor
84.7: T. Haydon
84.3: Jonas Wilson
82.6: K. Aarons
82.4: P. Chaudhari
82.1: H. Smith
79.9: S. Santhanam
79.7: M. Salahuddin
79.6: J. Woodbridge
79.4: H. Deshmukh
78.8: A. Fullard
78.3: A. Snee
77.8: R. Goodier
76.6: J. Thangavel
75.4: A. Arora
73.7: D. Quirk
73.2: A. Subramaniam
72.8: B. Simon
71.9: G. Rey
70.9: S. Khadka
70.4: N. Puri
70.1: A. Chavan
69.6: Adarsh S.
69.2: I. Chin
68.8: D. Daley
68.2: S. Bhakta
67.4: K. Lawrence
67.2: S. Khan
66.7: N. Kimberley
65.2: A. Mahtani
62.7: N. Armitage
61.0: Sriram Rangarajan
60.3: J. Moore
60.3: R. Nichani
59.8: A. Kabbur
58.7: D. Johnson
56.3: E. Palmer
56.0: P. Taiwo
55.7: N. Harrison
55.7: K. Banerjee
55.0: D. Coutts
50.9: B. Collins
48.0: N. Green
47.6: P. Jones
47.8: A. Yitta
45.4: P. Gray
NB. The club’s overall scoring rate is 83.6 but, again, this figure is skewed upwards by Willy Wide-Ball et al. For runs scored solely off the bat, the mean rate is probably around 70.
Highest Scoring Rate, runs/100 balls (season)
Minimum, 5 completed innings. Top 10
179: Prasanna R. (2018)
166: Prasanna R. (2019)
162: Prasanna R. (2017)
155: Prasanna R. (2004)
150: R. Pillai (2016)
149: Prasanna R. (2005)
148: Prasanna R. (2007)
146: Prasanna R. (2006)
145: T. Munakala (2019)
144: E. McPherson (2013)
Centuries (30)
137*: J. Thornton vs Hoboken (2006) (100 off 40 balls)
133: Prasanna R. vs Gypsies (2007) (100 off 73 balls)
129: Prasanna R. vs Columbia (2006) (100 off 45 balls)
128: Prasanna R. vs Fairfield (2007) (100 off 73 balls)
124*: J. Benson vs Warwick (1997) (balls received not recorded)
120*: P. Goggin vs Charlotte (1996) (balls received not recorded)
119*: S. Santhanam vs UBS (2001) (balls received not recorded)
112: E. McPherson (2013) vs West Haven (100 off ~100 balls)
111*: R. Coates vs United (2004) (100 off 91 balls)
109*: E. McPherson vs Bergen (2013) (100 off 80 balls) (NB took 3-0-22-4 in same game)
108*: K. Lawrence vs UBS (2002) (100 off 91 balls)
105*: S. Hill vs Sarasota (2016) (100 off 80 balls)
105: Jonas Wilson vs Bergen/Lehman (2008) (100 off 59 balls)
105: N. Puri vs Sarasota (2012) (100 off 98 balls)
104*: K. Aarons vs Columbia University (1997) (100 off 89 balls)
103*: K. Lawrence vs BOCC (2000) (100 off 95 balls)
103*: K. Lawrence vs Fairfield (2007) (100 off 79 balls)
102*: S. Santhanam vs Shaheen (2012) (100 off 88 balls)
102: R. Knight vs Sarasota (2007) (100 off 94 balls)
102: S. Hill vs Sarasota (2015) (100 off 105 balls)
101*: L. McCallum vs Peachtree (1992) (balls received not recorded)
101*: L. McCallum vs Merion (1992) (balls received not recorded)
101*: Boon vs Gypsies (2003) (100 off 70 balls) (in only game for the club)
101*: O. Kinsey vs KPMG (2007) (100 off 45 balls)
101*: D. Quirk vs Staten Island (2007) (100 off 82 balls)
101*: S, Mills vs KPMG (2011) (100 off 60 balls) (on debut)
101* A. Subramaniam vs Wadadli (2019) (100 off 52 balls)
101*: H. Smith for D. Coutts’ XI vs B. Simon’s XI (2015) (100 off 78 balls)
101: K. Lawrence vs Hoboken (2002) (balls received not recorded)
100*: Adarsh S. for Callow Young Pups vs Wise Old Dogs (2010) (100 off 77 balls)
Fastest Centuries
40 balls: J. Thornton vs Hoboken (2006)
45 balls: Prasanna R. vs Columbia (2006)
45 balls: O. Kinsey vs KPMG (2007)
59 balls: Jonas Wilson vs Bergen/Lehman (2008)
Most Centuries, career
4: K. Lawrence
3: Prasanna R.
2: L. McCallum, S. Santhanam, E. McPherson, S. Hill
98*: Justin Wilson vs Stamford (1993)
98: K. Lawrence vs Superdads (2007)
97: Prasanna R. vs Blade Warriors (NYCL-T20) (2017)
95: A. Straw vs Charlotte (1997)
95: G. Kinsey vs Deccan Challengers (2019)
92: K. Lawrence vs New Haven (2001)
92: H. Deshmukh vs Hoboken (WSL) (2017)
91: Jonas Wilson vs BOCC (2002)
90*: K. Lawrence vs Gypsies (2005)
90*: K. Lawrence vs Dog Lovers (2010)
90: D. McDonald vs ACA President’s XI (2008)
89*: Piyush S. for Young and Callow Pups vs Old and Wise Dogs (2010)
89: H. Minson vs Atlantic/Everest (2004)
88: Jonas Wilson for Wilson’s XI vs Santhanam’s XI (2010)
88: E. McPherson vs New Haven Eagles (2013)
87: V. Vij vs Galacticos (2011)
87: S. Hill vs Hoboken (2014)
86*: D. Quirk vs BOCC (2003)
86*: S. Garamella vs BOCC (2007)
86: A. Kaushik vs Invaders (SCL) (2019)
86: Prasanna R. vs UBS (2004)
86: V. Vij vs Sarasota (2012)
86: Adarsh S. vs Columbia (2014)
85: A. Straw vs Renesslaer (1997)
85: T. Haydon vs Westchester (2007)
84*: T. Boyke vs Hoboken (2002)
84*: V. Vij vs Westchester (2012)
84*: S. Bhatt vs Danbury (SCL) (2019)
84: D. Quirk vs UBS (2002)
83*: N. Green vs Dynamic (NYCL) (2017)
83: K. Lawrence vs Windsor (2007)
83: S. Bhakta vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (NYCL) (2017)
82*: K. Lawrence vs Columbia (2005)
82: A. Straw vs BOCC (1996)
82: A. Abeer vs Hoboken (2019)
81: A. Arora vs Westchester (2011)
81: Prasanna R. for A. Chavan’s XI vs H. Smith’s XI (2015)
81: Prasanna R. vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (NYCL-T20) (2017)
80*: A. Snee vs NY Kookaburras (2013)
80: E. Palmer vs Sarasota (2006)
79*: K. Lawrence vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1999)
79*: K. Lawrence vs Gypsies (2002)
79: K. Aarons vs Columbia University (1998)
79: Prasanna R. vs Hoboken (2006)
78*: Kumar vs BOCC (1998)
78*: C. Coward vs Staten Island (2002)
78: P. Plunkett vs NY Kookaburras (2013)
78: A. Fullard vs Hoboken (WSL) (2017)
77*: Prasanna R. vs Yale (2015)
77: Adarsh S. vs Galacticos (WSL) (2018)
76*: H. Deshmukh for A. Chavan’s XI vs M. Salahuddin’s XI
76: T. Haydon vs Westchester (2005)
76: K. Lawrence vs Yale (2007)
76: Prasanna R. vs UBS (2008)
76: R. Coates vs Fairfield (2008)
76: J. Woodbridge vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2010)
76*: N. Puri vs Yale (2013)
75*: N. Sundar vs KPMG (2011)
75*: J. Thangavel vs Fairfield (WSL) (2019)
75: K. Lawrence vs UBS (2008)
75: M. Audain vs New Haven Eagles (2013)
75: Adarsh S. vs Eagles (2014)
75: R. Nichani vs Galacticos (2015)
75: A. Subramaniam vs Fairfield (2016)
75: D. Atwell vs. Caribbean Masters (2017)
74*: R. Goodier vs Bergen (2010)
74*: M. Dasaraju vs Columbia (WSL) (2017)
74: K. Lawrence vs Merion (1999)
74: R. Coates vs Waterbury (2003)
74: K. Lawrence vs Staten Island (2010)
74: H. Deshmukh vs Wanderers NY (NYCL) (2018)
74: A. Fullard vs Primrose (NYCL) (2019)
73*: E. Palmer vs Staten Island (2005)
73*: K. Lawrence vs Sarasota (2006)
73*: P. Hollikar vs Westchester (2006)
73: K. Lawrence vs Staten Island (2006)
72*: J. Thangavel vs Hoboken (WSL) (2017)
72: N. Kimberley vs Sarasota (2007)
72: Mayur vs Sarasota (2009)
72: K. Lawrence vs Caribbean Masters (2012)
71*: Adarsh S. vs Yale (2009)
71: K. Lawrence vs Gypsies (2002)
71: D. Quirk vs Staten Island (2010)
71: P. Chaudhari vs New Haven (2015)
71: H. Chaudhry vs Westchester (2016)
70*: Justin Wilson vs Charlotte (1994)
70*: K. Lawrence vs Gypsies (2000)
70: G. Murphy vs Charlotte (1998)
70: K. Aarons vs United (2001)
70: C. Coward vs UBS (2002)
70: R. Coates vs Waterbury (2002)
70: P. Chaudhari vs Hoboken (2015)
70: S. Bhakta vs Westchester (NYCL) (2017)
69*: K. Lawrence vs Waterbury (2002)
69*: K. Lawrence vs Sarasota (2011)
69: J. Thornton vs Columbia (2010)
69: R. Pillai vs JP Morgan (2010)
69: Prasanna R. vs Bergen (2010)
69: M. Dasaraju vs Primrose (2016)
69: A. Fullard vs Primrose (NYCL) (2018)
68*: P. Chaudhari vs New Milford (2015)
68: T. Boyke vs Staten Island (2001)
68: K. Lawrence vs Norwalk (2001)
68: S. Santhanam vs KPMG (2010)
68: A. Arora vs Zulu Warriors! (2013)
68: H. Deshmukh vs IIT-ers of SCT (2019)
68: A. Arora for Old and Wise Dogs vs Young and Callow Pups (2013)
68: A. Raza for Old and Wise Dogs (2014)
67*: A. Snee vs Dynamic (2016)
67*: H. Smith vs Invitational XI (Prague Festival) (2018)
67: K. Lawrence vs Waterbury (2003)
67: R. Goodier vs Westchester (2010)
67: E. McPherson vs Cheshire (2012)
67: Adarsh S. vs Westchester (2014)
67: A. Fullard vs Sarasota (2017)
67: A. Abeer vs Canadian Hawks (Prague Festival) (2019)
66*: G. Rey vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2015)
66: J. Benson vs United (1997)
66: Adarsh S. vs Columbia (2014)
66: A. Kabbur vs Staten Island (2017)
66: S. Patel vs Cheshire (SCL) (2017)
66: V. Mehta vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2019)
65: K. Lawrence vs Gypsies (2001)
65: K. Lawrence vs Waterbury (2005)
65: K. Lawrence vs Lisbon (2007)
65: Adarsh S. vs Westchester (2010)
65 G. Rey vs Wanderers (NYCL) (2019)
64*: H. Smith vs New Milford (2012)
64*: A. Fullard vs Dynamic (2016)
64* P. Chaudhari vs Cheetah (2017)
64*: A. Chavan for A. Chavan’s XI vs M. Salahuddin’s XI
64*: Shadman Islam vs Cornwall (NYCL) (2019)
64: K. Aarons vs Charlotte (1998)
64: B. Ennis vs BOCC (1999)
64: N. Kimberley vs Lehigh (2000)
64: K. Banerjee vs KPMG (2007)
64: S. Santhanam vs Hoboken (2010)
64: B. Simon vs Staten Island (2010)
64: C. Roberts vs Fairfield (2011)
63*: Adarsh S. vs Fairfield (2012)
63*: A. Snee vs Bergen (2013)
63: A. Straw vs BOCC (1997)
63: T. Sacre vs Columbia University (1998)
63: P. Jones vs Cheeta (2010)
63: K. Lawrence vs Seenigama (2011)
63: E, Mattis vs New Haven Eagles (2013)
63: D. Quirk vs Bergen (2013)
63: A. Snee vs Fairfield (2013)
63: A. Arora vs Staten Island (2015)
63: G. Rey vs Sledgehammer (Prague Festival) (2019)
62*: V. Vij vs Frankenstein (2011)
62*: H. Chaudhry vs Staten Island (2014)
62: T. Haydon vs Gypsies (2006)
62: K. Lawrence vs Grenville (2007)
62: D. Quirk for Old and Wise Dogs vs Young and Callow Pups (2009)
62: Prasanna R. vs BOCC (2010)
62: K. Lawrence vs KPMG (2011)
62: A. Arora vs Westchester (2012)
62: B. Simon vs New Haven (2014)
62: S. Khan vs Cornwall (2015)
62: N. Green vs Staten Island (WSL) (2018)
61: L. McCallum vs vs McKinsey (1992)
61: K. Lawrence vs United (1999) (on debut, ending with a run-out)
61: R. Goodier vs Germantown (2007)
61: D. McDonald vs Belgrano (2008)
61: J. Thornton vs Sarasota (2009)
61: H. Chaudhry vs Colonial Cavaliers (2014)
61: Adarsh S. vs Spartan (2015)
61: T. Munakala vs IIT-ers of SCT (2019)
61*: H. Deshmukh vs Sarasota (2018)
60*: K. Lawrence vs Norwalk (2003)
60*: Prasanna R. vs Merion (2006)
60*: Shadman Islam vs Hoboken (2016)
60: M. Nicholas vs Bank of Bermuda (1993)
60: R. Coates vs Hoboken (2003)
60: T. Haydon vs Westchester (2007)
60: A. Arora vs Fairfield (2014)
60: Adarsh S. vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2014)
60: Prasanna S. vs Invitational XI (Prague Festival) (2018)
59*: K. Lawrence vs NY Kookaburras (2014)
59*: S. Adlakha vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2016)
59*: S. Bhakta vs Valley Atomic (NYCL-T20) (2017)
59: L. McCallum vs vs Staten Island (1992)
59: T. Forbes vs Demerara (1999)
59: R. Coates vs UBS (2002)
59: E. Palmer vs Norwalk (2004)
59: V. Vij vs Phantom (2012)
59: J. Thangavel vs Windies (2016)
58*: I. Chin vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2012)
58: T. Boyke vs United (2000)
58: N. Kimberley vs Waterbury (2003)
58: K. Lawrence vs Fairfield (2009)
58: S. Kumalalll vs Staten Island (2012)
58: S. Khadka vs Spartan (2015)
58: S. Khan for H. Smith’s XI vs A. Chavan’s XI (2015)
58: A. Snee vs Cornwall (2016)
58: D. Ghoyal vs Primrose (NYCL) (2017)
58: L. Bhadava vs Brass City (SCL) (2018)
57*: D. Quirk vs Gypsies (2001)
57*: Prasanna R. vs Westchester (2008)
57*: A. Arora vs Hoboken (2015)
57*: A. Dhillon vs Staten Island (2016)
57*: G. Rey vs West Haven (SCL) (2017)
57: P. Goggin vs Charlotte (1996)
57: D. Quirk vs Hoboken (2002)
57: J. Thornton vs BOCC (2002)
57: C. Coward vs United (2002)
57: K. Lawrence vs Merion (2003)
57: R. Coates vs St. Columba’s (2006)
57: R. Coates vs Bergen (2009)
57: N. Kimberley vs Sarasota (2010)
57: Adarsh S. vs Windsor/Hartford (2011)
57: J. Hodges vs Westchester (2011)
57: A. Arora vs Hoboken (2011)
57: S. Mills vs BOCC (2011)
57: N. Puri vs Columbia (2015)
57: J. Thangavel vs Fairfield (2016)
57: G. Rey vs Galacticos (WSL) (2018)
56*: K. Lawrence vs Danbury (2004)
56*: A. Arora vs Columbia (2013)
56*: D. Coutts vs Yale (2014)
56*: A. Snee for Young and Callow Pups vs Old and Wise Dogs (2014)
56*: J. Thangavel vs Czech Republic A (Prague Festival) (2019)
56: K. Lawrence vs Waterbury (2005)
56: K. Lawrence vs Columbia (2006)
56: R. Knight vs Sarasota (2007)
56: J. Moore vs Staten Island (2008)
56: Shadman Islam vs Dynamic (2016)
56: A. Abeer vs Columbia (WSL) (2019)
55*: S. Wilkinson vs McKinsey (1992)
55*: R. Longmuir vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1992)
55*: T. Haydon vs Merion (2006)
55*: V. Vij for Young and Callow Pups vs Old and Wise Dogs (2012)
55*: H. Smith vs Columbia (2012)
55*: H. Smith vs Westchester (2014)
55*: Adarsh S. vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2015)
55*: A. Fullard vs Hoboken (2016)
55*: V. Mehta vs Dynamic (NYCL-T20) (2019)
55: G. Murphy vs Charlotte (1995)
55: S. Blyth vs Stamford (1998)
55: K. Lawrence vs Rochester (2000)
55: A. Straw vs Merion (2001)
55: K. Lawrence vs Staten Island (2003)
55: D. Quirk vs Columbia (2007)
55: J. Moore vs Argentina Colts (2008)
55: R. Nichani vs Westchester (2014)
55: K. Lawrence vs Yale (2014)
55: O. Rana vs Fairfield (2019)
54*: Justin Wilson vs Australian Society (1993)
54*: Daniel vs New Haven (2001)
54*: B. John vs Staten Island (2002)
54*: D. Quirk vs Germantown (2008)
54*: J. Thornton vs Staten Island (2010)
54*: S. Santhanam vs Panthers (2011)
54*: K. Lawrence vs Galacticos (2012)
54*: R. Nichani vs New Haven (2012)
54*: P. Jones vs Greenwich/Bedford (2013)
54*: K. Lawrence vs Sarasota (2015)
54*: H. Deshmukh vs DJM Chin Combine (2017)
54*: S. Bhatt vs Philadelphia (2019)
54*: Prasanna R. vs Westchester (2019)
54: G. Murphy vs BOCC (1997)
54: J. Benson vs CC Morris Cricket Library (1997)
54: T. Haydon vs Platinum (2004)
54: Jonas Wilson vs Sarasota (2006)
54: K. Lawrence vs BOCC (2006)
54: N. Harrison vs Pressure Pumpers (2007)
54: Prasanna R. for Young and Callow Pups vs Old and Wise Dogs (2007)
54: Prasanna R. vs Cheetah (2008)
54: J. Woodbridge vs University of Perideniya (2011)
54: B. Cordingley vs NY Kookaburras (2013)
54: J. Woodbridge vs Fairfield (2013)
54: S. Kumalall vs South Windsor (2013)
54: R. Pillai vs Amwell Valley (2016)
54: A. Sharma vs Columbia (2017)
54: T. Munakala vs Bridgeport (SCL) (2019)
54: S. Ahmed vs Staten Island (2019)
54: N. Green for N. Green XI vs M. Jadhav XI (2018)
53*: Jonas Wilson vs Philadelphia (2003)
53*: R. Coates vs Fairfield (2006)
53*: K. Lawrence vs Hoboken (2006)
53*: R. Knight vs Merion (2007)
53*: R. Goodier vs Philadelphia (2007)
53*: A. Snee vs Sarasota (2011)
53*: V. Jaiswal vs KPMG (2011)
53*: A. Arora vs Galacticos (2012)
53*: I. Chin vs Kiwis (2013)
53*: H. Smith vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2015)
53*: S. Patel vs Hamden Combined XI (2015)
53*: Adarsh S. vs Cornwall (2016)
53*: Adarsh S. vs Primrose (2016)
53*: S. Khadka vs World XI (2016)
53*: M. Salahuddin vs Westchester (NYCL) (2017)
53*: A. Fullard vs Columbia (WSL) (2017)
53* G. Rey vs Staten Island (2019)
53*: A. Kaushik vs Danbury (SCL) (2019)
53*: T. Munakala vs Wanderers (Wanderers 8-a-side) (2019)
53*: T. Munakala vs Hoboken (Wanderers 8-a-side) (2019)
53: D. Johnson vs Hoboken (2002)
53: J. Whelan vs KPMG (2009)
53: J. Thornton vs Waterbury (2009)
53: J. Thornton vs Colonial Cavaliers (2010)
53: N. Armitage vs Cheetah (2014)
53: Shadman Islam vs Hoboken (2016)
53: H. Deshmukh vs Fairfield (2018)
53: A. Fullard vs Valley Atomic (NYCL-T20) (2018)
53: Prasanna S. vs Combine Warriors (2019)
53: A. Abeer vs Cavaliers (SCL) (2019)
52*: K. Lawrence vs Merion (2000)
52*: D. Roper vs New Haven (2001)
52*: H. Chinn vs Philadelphia (2003)
52*: K. Lawrence vs Littleton (2006)
52*: Prasanna R. vs Fairfield (2007)
52*: Prasanna R. vs Westchester (2014)
52*: N. Kimberley vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2015)
52*: A. Fullard vs Hoboken (2016)
52*: H. Deshmukh vs Amwell Valley (2017)
52*: R. Nichani vs Wanderers NY (NYCL) (2018)
52*: S. Nitta vs Fairfield (2019)
52: Justin Wilson vs McKinsey (1993#)
52: R. Coates vs Waterbury (2002)
52: Jonas Wilson for Old and Wise Dogs vs Young and Callow Pups (2007)
52: T. Haydon vs Yale (2008)
52: N. Kimberley vs Sarasota (2009)
52: J. Thornton vs Westchester (2010)
52: Jonas Wilson vs Staten Island (2012)
52: Suraj vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2012)
52: S. Khadka vs Primrose (2016)
52: R. Nichani vs West Haven (SCL) (2017)
52: Shadman Islam vs Bridgeport (SCL-T20) (2018)
52: M. Murphy vs Brass City (SCL-T20) (2018)
52: Prasanna R. vs Adam Sanford All Stars (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
51*: M. Carcanague vs BOCC (1999)
51*: K. Lawrence vs British and Dominion (2000)
51*: H. Chinn vs BOCC (2000)
51*: R. Coates vs BOCC (2004)
51*: Prasanna R. vs Rochester (2005)
51*: K. Lawrence vs Littleton (2007)
51*: K. Lawrence vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2009)
51*: N. Kimberley vs Merion (2009)
51*: B. Simon vs Merion (2010)
51*: R. Nichani vs Yale (2012)
51*: P. Plunkett vs Yale (2013)
51*: Adarsh S. vs Sarasota (2015)
51*: K. Lawrence vs Westchester (2017)
51*: I. Chin vs Staten Island (2018)
51* R. Nichani vs Staten Island (2019)
51*: H. Deshmukh vs Merion (2019)
51*: Sriram Rangarajan for M. Jadhav XI vs N. Green XI (2018)
51: G. Murphy vs IBM (1993)
51: B. Ennis vs Bermuda Sundries (1998)
51: H. Minson vs Hoboken (2004)
51: N. Howden vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2009)
51: Jonas Wilson vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2012)
51: Adarsh S. vs Fairfield (2014)
51: S. Khan vs Staten Island (2016)
51: A. Sharma vs Sarasota (2018)
51: D. Surti vs New Milford (SCL) (2018)
51: P. Jones vs Galacticos (2019)
51: S. Bhatt for S. Santhanam’s XI vs. J. Simon’s XI (2019)
50*: K. Aarons vs Germantown (1997)
50*: G. Murphy vs Bermuda Sundries (1998)
50*: T. Boyke vs Stamford (1999)
50*: K. Lawrence vs Haverford (2001)
50*: K. Lawrence vs Merion (2005)
50*: R. Coates vs Free Foresters (2005)
50*: N. Kimberley vs British and Dominion (2005)
50*: Prasanna R. vs Littleton (2006)
50*: R. Coates vs Germantown (2008)
50*: P. Gray vs Greenwich/Bedford (2010)
50*: Adarsh S. vs Greenwich/Bedford (2010)
50*: R. Nichani vs Columbia (2012)
50*: H. Smith vs Shaheen (2014)
50*: H. Chaudhry vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2014)
50*: N. Armitage vs Philadelphia (2014)
50*: Adarsh S. vs Sarasota (2016)
50*: Adarsh S. vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2016)
50*: A. Chavan vs Invaders (SCL) (2017)
50*: N. Green vs Legacy Supermix (2017)
50*: A. Arora vs Legacy Supermix (2017)
50*: H. Chaudhry vs New Haven (SCL-T20) (2018)
50*: Sriram Rangarajan vs Toronto (2018)
50*: A. Abeer vs Wadadli (NYCL-30) (2019)
50*: M. Salahuddin vs Philadelphia (2019)
50*: A. Fullard vs Merion (2019)
50: Jake Wilson vs McKinsey (1993#)
50: B. Collins vs Hoboken (2002)
50: Prasanna R. vs Norwalk (2005)
50: J. Thornton vs Gypsies (2007)
50: Piyush S. vs Colonial Cavaliers (2009)
50: S. Santhanam vs NY Kookaburras (2011)
50: A. Arora vs Yale (2012)
50: A. Arora vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2015)
50: M. Salahuddin vs Westchester (2015)
50: M. Dasaraju vs Blade Warriors (2016)
50: K. Lawrence vs Staten Island (2016)
50: D. Surti vs Amwell Valley (2018)
NB. (#) In the same 1993 innings (vs McKinsey) in which Justin Wilson and Jake Wilson each scored 50’s, Jonas Wilson contributed a duck.
Fastest Fifties
14 balls: R. Pillai vs JP Morgan (2010)
15 balls: Prasanna R. vs Invitational XI (Prague Festival) (2018)
16 balls: S. Kumalall vs Staten Island (2012)
17 balls: S. Kumalall vs South Windsor (2013)
19 balls: Prasanna R. vs UBS (2004)
19 balls: A. Abeer vs Wadadli (NYCL-30) (2019)
20 balls: J. Thornton vs Hoboken (2006)
21 balls: Prasanna R. vs Hoboken (2006)
22 balls: Prasanna R. vs Westchester (2014)
23 balls: G. Murphy vs Bermuda Sundries (1998)
25 balls: C. Coward vs UBS (2002)
25 balls: A. Chavan vs Hoboken (2011)
26 balls: O. Kinsey vs KPMG (2007)
26 balls: Prasanna R. vs Fairfield (2007)
26 balls: V. Vij vs Westchester (2012)
27 balls: Prasanna R. vs Columbia (2006) (WSL Final)
27 balls: V. Vij vs Frankenstein (2011)
28 balls: J. Thornton vs United (2006)
28 balls: Shadman Islam vs Hoboken (2016)
29 balls: Prasanna R. vs Westchester (2008)
29 balls: Prasanna R. vs Bergen (2010)
29 balls: H. Smith vs Columbia (2012)
29 balls: E. McPherson vs Westchester (2013)
Most 50+ Innings, career Minimum 5
55: K. Lawrence (4 + 51)
25: Prasanna R. (3 + 22)
23: Adarsh S. (1 + 22)
13: R. Coates (1 + 12)
13: A. Arora (0 + 13)
10: J. Thornton (1 + 9)
10: D. Quirk (1 + 9)
10: A. Fullard (0 + 10)
9: H. Deshmukh (0 + 9)
8: N. Kimberley (0 + 8)
8: Jonas Wilson (1 + 7)
8: R. Nichani (0 + 8)
7: H. Smith (1 + 6)
7: T. Haydon (0 + 7)
7: V. Vij (0 + 7)
7: A. Snee (0 + 7)
6: S. Santhanam (2 + 4)
6: E. Palmer (0 + 6)
6: G. Rey (0 + 6)
5: G. Murphy (0 + 5)
5: A. Straw (0 + 5)
5: H. Chaudhry (0 + 5)
5: J. Thangavel (0 + 5)
5: Shadman Islam (0 + 5)
5: A. Abeer (0 + 5)
Most 50+ Innings, season
7: K. Lawrence (2007), Adarsh S. (2014)
6: K. Lawrence (2006)
5: K. Lawrence (2000, 2002, 2004), V. Vij (2012), A. Abeer (2019)
4: K. Lawrence (2001, 2003, 2004), Prasanna R. (2006, 2007), J. Thornton (2010)
Most Consecutive Dot-balls Faced
34: E. Palmer spread across 3 innings, including 0 from 25 balls vs St. Columba’s (2006)
31: J. Moore spread across 2 innings, including 0 from 29 balls vs Amwell Valley (2019)
27: R. Nichani vs Westchester (2014)
25: Y. Bari for Adarsh’s XI vs Lawrence’s XI (2014)
24: N. Green vs Cornwall (NYCL) (2018)
23: N. Thakar (0) vs Sarasota (2007)
23: K. Yadav vs KPMG (2009)
23: K. Lawrence vs Columbia (2016)
Dismissed Without Scoring
50: J. Moore (23 x 1st ball, 1 x 0 balls)
42: N. Kimberley (11 x 1st ball, 1 x 0 balls)
33: N. Harrison (8 x 1st ball)
30: P. Taiwo (4 x 1st ball)
27: Jonas Wilson (11 x 1st ball, 1 x 0 balls), P. Jones (7 x 1st ball)
22: K. Lawrence (6 x 1st ball), Adarsh S. (7 x 1st ball)
21: M. Finn (8 x 1st ball)
19: F. Farricker (5 x 1st ball), A. Arora (2 x 1st ball), J. Simon (6 x 1st ball)
17: P. Gray (7 x 1st ball)
16: R. Nichani (7 x 1st ball), H. Deshmukh (5 x 1st ball)
14: B. Collins (1 x 1st ball), T. Boyke (4 x 1st ball, 1 x 0 balls), M. Jadhav (6 x 1st ball), A. Chavan (6 x 1st ball)
13: S. Santhanam (5 x 1st ball)
12: J. Adelli (2 x 1st ball)
11: P. Rao (2 x 1st ball), H. Dowe (4 x 1st ball), Thakur S. (4 x 1st ball), B. Simon (3 x 1st ball)
10: D. Johnson (1 x 1st ball), A. Mahtani, Prasanna R. (7 x 1st ball), N. Green (3 x 1st ball), G. Rey (1 x 1st ball), V. Mehta (5 x 1st ball)
9: D. Coutts (2 x 1st ball),
8: K. Dent, D. Quirk (1 x 0 balls, 3 x 1st ball), S. Zacharias (1 x 1st ball), D. Ennis (2 x 1st ball), I. Chin (1 x 1st ball), H. Smith (3 x 1st ball), S. Bhakta, L. Bhadava (2 x 1st ball), Upul S. (2 x 1st ball), H. Chaudhry
7: C. McGovern, K. Aarons (2 x 1st balls, 1 x 0 balls), R. Kanoff (2 x 1st ball), E. Palmer (1 x 1st ball), J. Thornton (1 x 1st ball), N. Armitage, A. Snee (1 x 1st ball), Y. Bari (2 x 1st ball)
6: J. Wentworth-Ping, T. Forbes (1 x 1 ball, 1 x 0 balls), M. Trappler, Z. Choudhury (2 x 1st ball), A. Bush (3 x 1stball), S. Bhagwat (1 x 1st ball), A. Subramaniam (2 x 1st ball), A. Fullard (1 x 1st ball), D. Daley (1 x 1st ball)
5: Justin Wilson (2 x 1st ball), Mukherjee, T. Haydon (1 x 1st ball), G. Sood (2 x 1st ball), M. Blomfield (3 x 1st ball), N. Puri (1 x 1st ball), D. Goodison (2 x 1st ball), S. Patel (1 x 1st ball), M. Salahuddin (1 x 1st ball), R. Pillai (1 x 1st ball, 1 x 0 balls), A. Kabbur, Sriram Rangarajan (2 x 1st ball), J. Thangavel (2 x 1st ball)
4: C. Coward (1 x 1st ball), K. Banerjee, R. Goodier (1 x 1st ball), J. Woodbridge (1 x 0 balls), Preet N. (1 x 1st ball), A. Virk (1 x 1st ball), J. Ingram (3 x 1st ball), M. Sharma, S. Khadka, P. Chaudhari (1 x 1st ball), R. Coates, K. Bhalla (2 x 1st ball), N. Singh (1 x 1st ball), R. Zawar, B. Acharya, S. Nitta (2 x 1st ball), K. Venigalla (1 x 1st ball)
3: Juuriaan, Bell, B. Ennis, Thomasson, A. Bhavsar, L. Harrison, J. Major (2 x 1st ball), V. Jaiswal, E. McPherson (1 x 1st ball), K. Maini (1 x 1st ball), R. Parikh (2 x 1st ball), N. Gaur (1 x 1st ball), A. Kaushik (1 x 1stball) A. Pervez (1 x 1st ball), S. Anand (1 x 1st ball), Shadman Islam (1 x 1st ball), P. Parida, Alekh Shah
2: B. Sloman, G. Murphy, Blyth, Mengede, Purdy, H. Chinn, H. Kojima (1 x 1st ball), M. Edge (1 x 1st ball), N. Howden (1 x 1st ball), A. Yitta, S. Cherala (1 x 1st ball), N. Kapoor, A. Corkin (1 x 1st ball), R. Nandy, Jaymin, S. Thekkenmar, S. Nichani, J. Hodges (2 x 1st ball), Vuppala, Piyush S., A. Cousins (2 x 1st ball), Wagomar, T. Fawbert (1 x 1st), P. Mascarenhas (1 x 1st ball), S. Somayajula (1 x 1st ball), N. Mischra, Z. Shaikh (1 x 1st ball), A. Phillips, P. Gupta, T. Parekh, J. Barkhuizen, M. Ahmed, M. Iqbal, M. Dasaraju, B. Powell, R. Slathia (2 x 1st ball), A. Smith (1 x 1st ball), A. Kadimisetty (1 x 1st ball), G. Biddala, D. Laurien, J. J. Ahmed (1 x 1st ball)
1: Osborne, Baughen, Denney, C. Harris, Downes, Reid, M. Masotti, Hart, Roth, Warden, Jake Wilson, Lowry, S. Wilkinson, Steve, Sunil, Tommo, Dennis, Patel (1 x 1st), Frazer, C.Stubbs, Kent, Kumar, Alon, Moule, Neville, Wood, De Lacey, Cahill (1 x 1st ball), Sajja, Nicholas, Wakefield, J. Sanders, McIntyre, J. Benson, Kerr, Lambert, Blumberg, Marnow, Verma, Moorcroft, Dempsey, Idris (1 x 1st ball), Ralph (1 x 1st ball), Sitiol, Bob, Baird, Munli, Tristram, Meryl, J. Levine, R. Tuchener, Kyle, Ruparel, N. Jones (1 x 1st), J. Cox, A. Oosthuizen, Ike (1 x 1st ball), BK (1 x 0 balls), K. Wong, C. Choudhury, A. Dey, P. Hollikar, Davis, Lomesh, N. Thakar, Kiran (1 x 1st ball), D. Wilson, Bharat, Allen (1 x 0 ball), G. Kumar, J. Lanham, Arash, N. Anderson, Marlin, J. Whelan, K. Yadav, Lee, Vish, Sim, I. Webb, C. Roberts (1 x 1st ball), N. Cartwright (1 x 1st ball), J. Albert (1 x 1st ball), E. McHargh, Saini, G. Ashton (1 x 1st ball), E. Bollingbroke (1 x 1st), D. Nicol, N. Wilson, Virat, Kalsi, A. Bazillo (1 x 1st ball), Vig (1 x 1stball), Bansai (1 x 1st ball), J. Khan (1 x 1st ball), Zia, R. McHarg, M. Mehta, S. Khan (1 x 1st), Ms. Janki, S. Ward, H. Hussain, T. Pratt, A. Vaghela, A. Sheikh, A. Vaidya, Ms. S. Shah, N. Suri, K. Chavan, Bhattachayra, S. Saeed, A. Dhillon, A. Scholem, I. Pillay, S. Nanda, O. Franks (1 x 1st ball), T. Thandi (1 x 1st ball), Y. Abbas (1 x 1st ball), S. Ramakrishnan, S. Malladi, M. Shipman, P. Singh, A. Bhoyar, N. Mamidyala, A. Dexter, S. Jacobs (1 x 1st ball), J. Crozier-Durham (1 x 1st ball), S. Hind (1 x 1st ball), Akhil Shah, M. Vyas, M. Kumar, A. Rahman, P. Arya, K. Bhalla, P. Khanapurkar, X. Patel, K. Nistala, M. Rozbeh, S. Modani, N. Gudapati (1 x 1st ball), Kiran (1 x 1st ball), S. Karia, U. Ali, D. Goyal, Smit, K. Salmon, J. Clarke, V. Raj, S. Bajaj, M. M. Zaman, M. M. Rasal, J. Webb (1 x 1st ball), A. Sharma (1 x 1st ball), J. Hilaire (1 x 1st ball), K. Iqbal (1 x 1st ball), M. Murphy (1 x 1st ball), B. Mahankali, B. Desai, M. Sediq, R. Buttler, M. Aren Biko, R. Alfaro, S. Adlakha, V. Singh, K. Ernest, N. Kochar, C. Alexander, R. Khan, S. Girish, S. Malhotra (1 x 1st ball), A. Syed (1 x 1st ball), F. Riss (1 x 1st ball), O. Qadir, A. Ayoob, R. Glass, J. Southgate, T. Munakala, P. Desai, S. Bhatt, A. Paralka, G. Kinsey, A. Abeer, A. Chitale, S. Khawaja,
N.B: Of the 7604 recorded dismissals of a Mad Dog, 1230 have been for a duck. The team average is 16.2 ducks per 100 completed innings (i.e., well over one per game). There have 310 dismissals first ball or without facing.
Most Ducks in One Season
8: A. Arora (2015), J. Moore (2015), J. Adelli (2018)
7: A. Mahtani (2015), H. Deshmukh (2018)
6: N. Kimberley (2008, 2011), D. Coutts (2013), J. Simon (2015)
5: C. McGovern (1993), F. Farricker (2000), J. Moore (2010), N. Harrison (2015), P. Jones (2017, 2018), Sriram Rangarajan (2018)
Most First-Ball Ducks in One Season
4: N. Kimberley (2002)
3: Jonas Wilson (2004, 2012), D. Quirk (2012), J. Moore (2013, 2015), H. Deshmukh (2015), R. Nichani (2017), V. Mehta (2018)
Most Ducks in Succession
4: N. Kimberley (2002; all first-ball)
4: A. Arora (2015)
Most Mad Dogs Dismissed for a Duck in One Innings
8: vs Bergen (2011)
R. Nichani, J. Albert, N. Armitage, S. Santhanam, N. Kimberley, R. Nandy, S. Nichani, A. Bush
(Remarkably, the Dogs won the game by 2 runs despite being bowled out for 65, batting 12)
7: vs KPMG (2011)
P. Jones, A. Arora, N. Kimberley, R. Nandy, Z. Choudhury, Thakur S., J. Simon (batting 12)
7: vs New Haven (2016)
S. Bhakta, Upul S., A. Rahman, A. Chavan, K. Maini, N. Harrison, M. Finn
6: vs Columbia University (1998)
J. Benson, Kerr, Justin Wilson (1st ball), N. Kimberley, F. Farricker, Lambert
6: vs Columbia (2013)
A. Arora, A. Cousins (run out without facing), A. Snee, Adarsh S., J. Moore (1st ball), Y. Bari
6: vs Columbia (2015)
Adarsh S., N. Harrison, S. Nanda, D. Coutts, J. Moore, J. Simon
(Columbia contributed 4 ducks of their own, and the Dogs won the game)
5: vs McKinsey (1993)
C. McGovern, Jonas Wilson, Baker, K. Dent, Tommo
5: vs BOCC (1994)
N. Kimberley, Frazer, B. Collins, R. Kanoff, C. Stubbs
5: vs Bergen (2012)
P. Taiwo, S. Santhanam, G. Ashton, A. Bhavsar, Thakur S. (batting 12)
5: vs Renegade Cricket Academy (2016)
P. Taiwo, M. Jadhav, M. Finn, M. Sharma, J. Thangavel
5: vs Galacticos (WSL) (2018)
N. Green, K. Lawrence, H. Deshmukh, J. Adelli, Sriram Rangarajan
5: vs Columbia (2019)
S. Bhagwat, J. Thangavel (1st ball), B. Powell, R. Glass, A. Smith (1st ball)
Two Ducks in One Innings
J. Major vs Amwell Valley (one first ball) (2014)
P. Rao vs Amwell Valley (from 6 balls faced) (2016)
Dismissed, Run-out, career
54: K. Lawrence
32: N. Kimberley, J. Moore
22: Jonas Wilson
21: R. Nichani
20: N. Harrison
18: P. Taiwo
16: A. Chavan
15: P. Gray, H. Deshmukh, S. Bhakta
13: T. Boyke, S. Santhanam
12: D. Quirk
11: B. Simon
10: B. Collins, H. Smith, M. Salahuddin, Adarsh S., M. Jadhav
9: A. Snee, I. Chin, P. Jones, A. Arora, J. Simon
8: V. Jaiswal, N. Armitage, Upul S., D. Daley, A. Fullard
7: C. McGovern, E. Palmer, G. Rey
6: B. Ennis, H. Kojima, J. Woodbridge, Shadman Islam
5: K. Dent, G. Murphy, A. Mukherjee, K. Banerjee, R. Coates, Z. Choudhury, S. Zacharias, Prasanna R., A. Kabbur, N. Green, Sriram Rangarajan, M. Finn
4: K. Aarons, N. Kapoor, A. Bhavsar, Y. Bari, J. Ingram, R. Zawar, J. Adelli, D. Ennis, J. Thangavel, Thakur S.,A. Abeer, P. Rao
3: T. Sacre, H. Chinn, D. Johnson, P. Harris, A. Yitta, T. Haydon, A. Bush, Preet N., F. Farricker, D. Coutts, M. Blomfield, H. Chaudhry, R. Pillai, S. Bhagwat, V. Mehta, A. Chitale, S. Anand
2: Justin Wilson, Pates, S. Buckley, Mengede, M. Edge, Shalabh, Allen, J. Thornton, D. Nicol, Piyush S., J. Hodges, P. Chaudhari, S. Hill, M. Dasaraju, R. Parikh, A. Pervez, N. Singh, S. Nitta, L. Bhadava, A. Sharma
1: Denny, Baughen, Saff, R. Longmuir, Hamilton, Lowry, Pates, Frazer, J. Wentworth-Ping, Allon, Bronx, J. Benson, Ward, J. Sanders, Blyth, Jarrett, S. Wilkinson, McIntyre, Sunhail, Marnow, Khamani, C. Choudhury, Long, Vish, T. Forbes, Dempsey, J. Levine, Saad, T. Mathew, B. John, Rajeev, Thapar, Lincoln, Vinod, S. Thekkenmar, Siram, Amir, K. Wong, Malhotra, Roth, Veedon, P. Heywood, Scowen, M. Trappler, M. Cox, McMillen, BK, Jake Wilson, Mahesh, Bhuiyan, O. Kinsey, R. Wolf, N. Thakar, P. Hollikar, Som, Faisal, O. Thompson, Trivedi, Sheikh, Sid, Lee, Mayur, N. Anderson, N. Howden, S. Cherala, Ravi, Satish, J. Kaytes, D. Stubbs, R. Goodier, Garman, Ramalinga, A. Mahtani, V. Vij, K. Vuppala, Naresh, Suraj, G. Ashton, S. Khan, L. Harrison, E. McHargh, Naresh, E. McPherson, T. Benedict, R. McHarg, Atif, Vig, A. Cousins, M. Mehta, Dass, A. Vaghela, Ashok, B. Sloman, P. Donnerstag, S. Ramakrishnan, M. Sharma, S. Somayajula, Sumish, Jr., Z. Shaikh, T. Thandi, N. Prasad, S. Maniar, K. Maini, Kishan, D. Goyal, Kiran, N. Gaur, S. Rambadri, P. Gupta, P. Parida, K. Iqbal, H. Vassell, Shawn Islam, S. Khadka, Srikanth Rangarajan, R. Glass, O. Rana, P. Desai, T. Munakala, A. Kadimisetty, Junahed Ahmed, N. Aggarwal, K. Venigalla,
NB: Of the 7604 recorded dismissals of a Mad Dog, 809 have been by a run-out. The team average is 10.6 run-outs per 100 dismissals (i.e., ~ one a game).
Most Run-out Dismissals in One Season (individual)
8: S. Bhakta (2017)
6: R. Nichani (2015), M. Salahuddin (2017)
5: K. Lawrence (2006, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016), V. Jaiswal (2011), A. Chavan (2012), H. Smith (2014)
4: A. Mukherjee (2000), E. Palmer (2004), J. Moore (2006, 2013), N. Kimberley (2006, 2010), Jonas Wilson (2010, 2013), S. Zacharias (2010), M. Jadhav (2015), J. Simon (2015), P. Gray (2016), P. Taiwo (2016), H. Deshmukh (2017, 2018, 2019), A. Fullard (2018), A. Abeer (2019), Sriram Rangarajan (2019)
Most Mad Dogs Run-out in One Innings
6: vs Norwalk (2001)
N. Kimberley, K. Lawrence, B. Ennis, D. Quirk, T. Mathew, Mengede
5: vs Merion (2006)
R. Coates, J. Moore, Prasanna R., S. Santhanam, J. Cox
Bowling Records
Most Wickets (career) Minimum 50
770: J. Moore
603: N. Harrison
344: R. Nichani
333: A. Chavan
265: K. Lawrence
234: B. Simon
186: T. Boyke
181: S. Santhanam
167: D. Quirk
127: J. Thangavel
126: M. Finn
124: J. Simon
123: Jonas Wilson
123: Prasanna R.
119: Thakur S.
112: S. Zacharias
104: D. Coutts
103: H. Smith
101: H. Deshmukh
99: M. Jadhav
92: P. Chaudhari
85: D. Johnson
75: R. Coates
73: Preet N.
69: D. Ennis
64: H. Chaudhry
63: V. Mehta
60: N. Kimberley
55: T. Forbes
55: Upul S.
53: N. Puri
51: A. Abeer
50: J. Woodbridge
Most Wickets (season) Minimum 40
70: J. Moore (2017)
65: J. Moore (2016)
63: R. Nichani (2015)
59: J. Moore (2015)
55: J. Moore (2013)
53: J. Moore (2014)
53: J. Thangavel (2017)
52: J. Moore (2010)
51: J. Moore (2009)
51: A. Abeer (2019) (in debut season)
50: N. Harrison (2007)
50: N. Harrison (2009)
50: J. Moore (2019)
49: J. Moore (2007)
47: N. Harrison (2008)
46: N. Harrison (2014)
45: R. Nichani (2016)
44: J. Moore (2008)
44: R. Nichani (2014)
43: N. Harrison (2010)
43: R. Nichani (2017)
42: N. Harrison (2012)
41: N. Harrison (2006)
41: D. Coutts (2013)
40: A. Chavan (2012)
40: R. Nichani (2013)
Multiple 40-wicket seasons
10: J. Moore
7: N. Harrison
5: R. Nichani
Lowest Bowling Average (career) Minimum 50 wickets
9.15: P. Chaudhari
11.86: A. Abeer
14.65: N. Harrison
14.96: A. Chavan
15.05: B. Simon
15.48: M. Finn
15.56: R. Nichani
15.67: Preet N.
16.04: D. Quirk
17.04: J. Moore
17.46: J. Woodbridge
17.90: K. Lawrence
17.97: J. Thangavel
18.45: H. Chaudhry
19.07: T. Forbes
19.41: D. Ennis
19.47: J. Simon
19.85: N. Puri
19.93: Thakur S.
20.32: S. Zacharias
20.40: Upul S.
20.47: H. Smith
20.63: Prasanna R.
21.04: R. Coates
21.25: D. Coutts
23.00: S. Santhanam
23.31 Jonas Wilson
23.32: N. Kimberley
23.45: T. Boyke
24.07: D. Johnson
25.30: H. Deshmukh
25.44: V. Mehta
25.99: M. Jadhav
NB. The cost of an opponent’s wicket across history is 18.74 runs, but as run-outs account for ~10% of all wickets, the average for Mad Dogs’ bowlers is ~20-21.
Lowest Bowling Average (season) Minimum 25 overs; Top 10
6.21: P. Chaudhari (2016)
7.28: S. Khan (2016)
8.26: B. Simon (2011)
8.68: P. Chaudhari (2017)
9.00: A. Chavan (2017)
9.48: N. Harrison (2009)
9.50: K. Aarons (1997)
9.54: H. Smith (2017)
10.14: B. Simon (2012)
10.37: M. Finn (2017)
Lowest Economy Rate, runs/over (career) Minimum 50 wickets
3.31: P. Chaudhari
3.73: B. Simon
3.75: T. Forbes
3.89: A. Abeer
4.00: A. Chavan
4.07: T. Boyke
4.60: N. Harrison
4.65: J. Moore
4.68: H. Smith
4.70: H. Chaudhry
4.70: R. Coates
4.76: S. Santhanam
4.80: R. Nichani
4.85: D. Ennis
4.87: Prasanna R.
4.81: Preet N.
4.91: J. Thangavel
4.98: D. Quirk
5.00: Upul S.
5.01: D. Coutts
5.02: S. Zacharias
5.04: M. Finn
5.06: V. Mehta
5.11: J. Woodbridge
5.28: M. Jadhav
5.32: Jonas Wilson
5.37: H. Deshmukh
5.54: K. Lawrence
5.55: N. Puri
5.72: Thakur S.
5.77: D. Johnson
5.92: N. Kimberley
6.20: J. Simon
NB. Opponents score at an average of 5.15 runs/over across history, a number that is marginally skewed upwards by byes and leg byes.
Lowest Economy Rate, runs/over (season) Minimum 25 overs; Top 10
2.50: P. Chaudhari (2016)
2.71: Prasanna R. (2009)
2.72: B. Simon (2012)
2.76: T. Forbes (1997)
2.82: B. Simon (2010)
2.88: M. Masotti (1993)
2.88: T. Boyke (1997)
2.91: A. Chavan (2017)
2.97: B. Simon (2011)
3.03: N. Kapoor (2009)
3.07: J. Levine (2001)
Best Strike Rate, balls/wicket (career) Minimum 50 wickets
16.6: P. Chaudhari
18.3: A. Abeer
18.4: M. Finn
18.9: J. Simon
19.1: N. Harrison
19.3: D. Quirk
19.4: K. Lawrence
19.5: R. Nichani
19.5: Preet N.
20.5: J. Woodbridge
20.9: Thakur S.
21.5: N. Puri
22.0: J. Moore
22.0: J. Thangavel
22.4: A. Chavan
23.6: H. Chaudhry
23.6: N. Kimberley
24.0: D. Ennis
24.2: B. Simon
24.3: S. Zacharias
24.5: Upul S.
25.0: D. Johnson
25.4: Prasanna R.
25.4: D. Coutts
26.2: H. Smith
26.3: Jonas Wilson
26.8: R. Coates
28.3: H. Deshmukh
29.0: S. Santhanam
29.5: M. Jadhav
30.1: V. Mehta
30.5: T. Forbes
34.6: T. Boyke
NB. Opponents lose a wicket, on average, every 21.8 balls across history, but taking run outs into account an estimate of the average striking rate for Mad Dogs’ bowlers is 24-25.
Best Strike Rate, balls/wicket (season) Minimum 25 overs; Top 10
10.7: S. Khan (2016)
12.4: K. Lawrence (2005)
12.9: Preet N. (2007)
13.4: H. Smith (2017)
14.0: J. Simon (2012)
14.2: M. Salahuddin (2017)
14.5: N. Harrison (2006)
14.6: Thakur S. (2010)
14.7: N. Harrison (2009)
14.7: D. Johnson (2001)
Taking 4+ Wickets in One Innings
Seven wickets (2)
7-0-22-7: D. Johnson vs United (2001)
7.3-0-23-7: N. Harrison vs Eagles (2014)
Six wickets (12)
6-2-9-6: A. Chavan vs Columbia (2009)
5-3-9-6: H. Chaudhry vs Danbury (SCL) (2018)
4-2-5-6: D. Daley vs IIT-ers of SCT (2019)
6-1-10-6: S. Zacharias vs Yale (2010) (on debut)
7-1-17-6: J. Moore vs KPMG (2009)
6.4-2-19-6: N. Harrison vs Fairfield (WSL) (2017)
8-1-19-6: A. Chavan vs Brass City (SCL) (2017)
7-0-22-6: P. Chaudhari vs Valley Atomic (NYCL) (2017)
8-0-26-6: N. Harrison vs New Haven (2012)
8-0-28-6: A. Subramaniam vs New Haven Eagles (SCL) (2019)
5.2-1-29-6: J. Thangavel vs Blade Warriors (2016)
5.2-0-36-6: Preet N. vs St. Columba’s (2007) (on debut)
Five wickets (50)
3-2-1-5: R. Nichani vs Philadelphia (PICF) (2017)
2-1-2-5: N. Harrison vs Waterbury (2009)
6-4-4-5: R. Nichani vs Hoboken (2015)
7-3-6-5: Prasanna R. vs Fairfield (2006)
3.5-0-7-5: R. Nichani vs Haverford Alumni (2016)
4-1-7-5: A. Chavan vs New Haven (2016)
3.1-0-8-5: J. Moore vs UBS (2008)
5-0-9-5: D. Quirk vs Sarasota (2003)
5-3-9-5: A. Chavan vs Cheetah (2014)
5-0-9-5: J. Moore vs British and Dominion (2005)
7-2-10-5: P. Chaudhari vs Columbia (2016)
7-2-10-5: P. Chaudhari vs New Haven (2016)
4-1-11-5: A. Abeer vs Toronto (PICF) (2019)
4-0-11-5: B. Simon vs Cheetah (2010)
5-1-11-5: J. Moore vs New Haven (2016)
2.5-0-12-5: Shadman Islam vs Danbury (SCL-T20) (2018)
7-3-12-5: Preet N. vs Fairfield (2010)
4.4-2-13-5: J. Moore vs UBS (2008)
7-1-13-5: N. Harrison vs Fairfield (2006) (* in consecutive games during a single weekend)
7-1-16-5: S. Cherala vs Yale (2009)
5.2-0-17-5: Thakur S. vs Cheetah (2015)
6.1-1-18-5: N. Harrison vs KPMG (2006) (* in consecutive games during a single weekend)
3.4-0-19-5: N. Harrison vs KPMG (2010)
6-0-19-5: P. Hollikar vs Merion (2006)
6-0-19-5: S. Santhanam vs Shaheen (2012)
6.1-0-19-5: D. Goodison vs Bergen (2012)
3.3-0-20-5: S. Bhakta vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (2017)
6-1-20-5: S. Santhanam vs Cheetah (2014)
6-0-21-5: D. Quirk vs Trinidad Monroe Road (2001)
7-1-22-5: R. Nichani vs Bergen (2011)
5-0-23-5: K. Lawrence vs Philadelphia (2008)
7-0-23-5: N. Suri vs Westchester (WSL) (2019)
6.3-0-24-5: R. Nichani vs Eagles (2015)
4-0-26-5: Upul S. vs Invitational XI (Prague Festival) (2018)
6-2-26-5: D. Ennis vs Staten Island (1999)
5-0-27-5: Prasanna R. vs ANZACS (2007)
5.2-0-27-5: K. Lawrence vs New Haven (2001)
6-1-28-5: A. Abeer vs Fairfield (2019)
6.5-0-28-5: N. Harrison vs Eagles (2014)
6-0-30-5: N. Harrison vs Bergen (2009)
5-0-31-5: Thakur S. vs Fairfield (2010)
8-2-32-5: D. McDonald vs St. Albano’s (2008)
5-0-33-5: T. Haydon vs Norwalk (2005)
7-1-33-5: B. Simon vs Invaders (SCL) (2017)
7-0-34-5: D. Coutts vs Fairfield (2013)
7-0-36-5: A. Subramaniam vs Cavaliers (SCL) (2017)
6.5-0-39-5: N. Puri vs Fairfield (2014)
6-0-40-5: N. Harrison vs Hoboken (2006)
8-1-40-5: D. Coutts vs Bridgeport (2013)
K. Lawrence took 5 wickets vs Columbia University in 2000, but no analysis exists for that game.
Four wickets
2-2-0-4: D. Quirk vs Columbia (2011)
5-5-0-4: A. Chavan vs NY Kookaburras (2012)
3-0-5-4: M. Jadhav vs Wanderers NY (NYCL) (2018)
4-1-6-4: R. Wolf vs Merion (2009)
5-1-6-4: N. Harrison vs Spartans (2010)
4-1-6-4: M. Salahuddin for J. Simon’s XI vs T. Sharma’s XI (2018)
6-3-6-4: S. Wilkinson vs Merion (1992)
6-2-6-4: H. Smith vs Bergen (2011)
8-4-6-4: P. Chaudhari vs Cheetah (2016)
4.2-1-7-4: J. Lanham for Young and Callow Pups vs Old and Wise Dogs (2010)
3-0-8-4: S. Santhanam vs Merion (2001)
4-1-8-4: A. Pervaiz vs Blade Warriors (2015)
4-0-8-4: R. Nichani vs NY Kookaburras (2013)
4.1-1-8-4: N. Harrison vs Westchester (2008)
6-0-8-4: Ritesh D. vs Blade Warriors (2015) (on debut)
6-0-8-4: A. Abeer vs Greenwich Dogs (2019)
7-3-8-4: J. Moore vs KPMG (2009)
3-0-9-4: J. Moore vs Westchester (2017)
5-2-9-4: Idris vs Haverford (2000)
5.1-0-9-4: P. Chaudhari vs Danbury (SCL) (2018)
5.5-2-9-4: B. Simon vs Fairfield (2016)
3-0-10-4: J. Adelli vs Galacticos (2017) (on debut)
3.4-1-10-4: M. Salahuddin vs Columbia (WSL) (2017)
3.5-1-10-4: J. Simon vs Westchester (2017)
4-1-10-4: S. Santhanam vs Germantown (2015)
5-1-10-4: G. Rey vs Columbia (WSL) (2018)
5-2-10-4: T. Boyke vs Pittsburgh (2006)
8-1-10-4: A. Chavan vs WH Rangers (2012) (* in consecutive games during a single weekend)
3-0-11-4: N. Harrison vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2010)
5-1-11-4: J. Moore vs British and Dominion (2003)
7-4-11-4: T. Sacre vs BOCC (1998)
7-1-11-4: N. Harrison vs Fairfield (2009)
7-1-11-4: A. Chavan vs Westchester (WSL) (2018)
8-3-11-4: B. Simon vs Cheetah (2016)
2-0-12-4: A. Bhavsar vs Galacticos (2012)
4-0-12-4: P. Chaudhari vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (NYCL-T20) (2017)
4-0-12-4: A. Abeer vs Canadian Hawks (Prague Festival) (2019)
5.5-0-12-4: B. Simon vs Westchester (2011)
6-0-12-4: M. Jadhav vs Hoboken (2016)
7-1-12-4: D. Ennis vs United (2001)
7-1-12-4: N. Harrison vs Amwell Valley (2016)
5.5-0-13-4: P. Chaudhari vs New Milford (2015)
7-2-13-4: J. Moore vs Staten Island (WSL) (2017)
7-2-13-4: H. Deshmukh vs Sarasota (2019)
2.4-0-14-4: J. Simon vs Yale (2015)
3-0-14-4: S. Khadka vs Blade Warriors (2016)
4.1-0-14-4: R. Khan vs Columbia (2019)
5-1-14-4: Rajeev vs York (2004)
5.4-1-14-4: S. Khan vs Hoboken (2016)
6-1-14-4: B. Simon vs New Haven (SCL) (2017)
6-0-14-4: D. Quirk vs Gypsies (2001)
7-3-14-4: B. Simon vs Invaders (SCL) (2019)
7-1-14-4: J. Moore for Santhanam’s XI vs Wilson’s XI (2013)
2.5-0-15-4: H. Deshmukh vs Hoboken (2015)
5.4-0-15-4: R. Nichani vs Fairfield (2016)
6-1-15-4: A. Smith vs Stamford (2019)
7-1-15-4: T. Forbes vs Spring Valley (1999)
7-3-15-4: P. Chaudhari vs New Haven Eagles (SCL) (2017)
8-2-15-4: D. Coutts vs Shaheen (2013)
8-1-15-4: A. Chavan vs Shaheen (2013)
3.2-0-16-4: M. Blomfield vs Tri-City (2010)
5-1-16-4: R. Coates vs Toronto (2003)
5-0-16-4: J. Adelli vs Toronto (2018)
5.1-0-16-4: P. Chaudhari vs Brass City (2015)
7-3-16-4: R. Coates vs UBS (2003)
7-2-16-4: A. Chavan vs Bergen (2012) (* in consecutive games during a single weekend)
7-1-16-4: J. Khan vs Bergen (2013)
7-1-16-4: J. Moore vs Westchester (WSL) (2019)
7-0-16-4: T. Forbes vs Renesslaer (1997)
5-0-17-4: K. Lawrence vs Cornwall (2015)
5.1-1-17-4: M. Jadhav vs Merion (2019)
7-2-17-4: T. Boyke vs Gypsies (2000)
6-1-17-4: H. Chaudhry vs Westchester (2014)
6-1-17-4: N. Harrison vs Staten Island (2016)
5.4-0-18-4: N. Harrison vs Westchester (2008)
7-1-18-4: M. Salahuddin vs Staten Island (2017)
7-1-18-4: A. Chavan vs Westchester (2010)
4-0-20-4: K. Lawrence vs Indoor Cricket USA (2005)
4-0-20-4: R. Nichani vs Wandering ANZACS (2013)
5-0-20-4: G. Murphy vs Bermuda Sundries (1995)
5-0-20-4: Upul S. vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2012)
6-0-20-4: S. Zacharias vs Westchester (2011)
6.4-2-20-4: N. Harrison vs Colonial Cavaliers (2007)
6-1-20-4: J. Moore vs Valley Atomic (2015)
7-1-20-4: R. Nichani vs Primrose (2015)
7-0-20-4: T. Boyke vs Gypsies (2007)
8-1-20-4: H. Smith vs New Haven (2012)
3-0-21-4: J. Simon vs Columbia (2016)
4-0-21-4: Jaymin vs Hoboken (2011)
4-0-21-4: S. Santhanam vs Merion (2012)
6-0-21-4: P. Khanapurkar vs Galacticos (2016)
6-0-21-4: R. Nichani vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (NYCL) (2017)
6-0-21-4: D. Goyal vs Cornwall (NYCL) (2017) (on debut)
6.2-0-21-4: N. Harrison vs New Haven (2012)
7-3-21-4: D. Quirk vs East Meadow (2006)
7-1-21-4: D. Coutts vs Columbia (2015)
8-2-21-4: P. Chaudhari vs West Haven (2016)
3-0-22-4: E. McPherson vs Bergen (2013) (scored 109* in same game)
4-0-22-4: Prasanna R. vs Rochester (2005)
5.1-1-22-4: M. Finn vs Hoboken (2015)
7-1-22-4: J. Thangavel vs Renegade Cricket Academy (2016)
8-1-22-4: G. Rey vs Hoboken (NYCL) (2019)
6-1-23-4: K. Bhalla vs Galacticos (WSL) (2017)
7-1-23-4: J. Moore vs Gypsies (2004)
7-1-23-4: J. Moore vs Columbia (2015)
4-0-24-4: D. Quirk vs Gypsies (2002)
4.5-0-24-4: S. Nichani vs Bergen (2010)
5-2-24-4: J. Woodbridge vs Kiwis (2013)
5-0-24-4: N. Jones vs Hoboken (2002)
5-0-24-4: J. Moore vs Philadelphia (2019)
5.3-0-24-4: E. Mattis vs Bridgeport (2015)
6-1-24-4: S. Zacharias vs London Consortium (2010)
7-0-24-4: J. Moore vs Staten Island (2018)
4-0-25-4: J. Moore vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (2017)
7-1-25-4: D. Quirk vs Waterbury (2006)
3.4-0-26-4: R. Pillai vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (2012)
6-1-26-4: J. Thangavel vs Fairfield (WSL) (2017)
6-0-26-4: A. Subramaniam vs Combined XI (NYCL) (2017)
7-1-26-4: J. Moore vs Bergen (2012)
7-0-26-4: S. Buckley vs Columbia University (1998)
7-0-26-4: D. Quirk vs Gypsies (2001)
5-2-27-4: Nolan vs Stamford (1993)
5-0-27-4: T. Forbes vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1998)
6-0-27-4: T. Forbes vs Unknown Opposition (2000)
6.5-1-27-4: R. Nichani vs Bridgeport (2012)
7-0-27-4: D. Johnson vs BOCC (1999)
7-0-27-4: S. Santhanam vs Windsor (2006)
5-0-28-4: R. Nichani vs Merion (2015)
5-0-28-4: S. Khan vs Westchester (2016)
5.5-1-28-4: N. Harrison vs Hoboken (2008)
7-0-28-4: S. Zacharias vs Columbia (2010)
5-1-29-4: J. Moore vs JP Morgan (2013)
5.2-0-29-4: M. Jadhav vs Primrose (2015)
5.3-0-29-4: J. Thangavel vs Fairfield (2019)
7-2-29-4: J. Levine vs BOCC (2000)
7-1-29-4: B. Simon vs Staten Island (2010)
5-0-30-4: D. Johnson vs Bermuda Sundries (1998)
6-0-30-4: J. Moore vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (NYCL) (2017) +
7-0-30-4: A. Chavan vs Fairfield (2016)
10-1-30-4: M. Masotti vs Merion (1993)
5.5-0-32-4: A. Subramaniam vs Hoboken (WSL) (2018)
6-1-32-4: A. Mukherjee vs United (1999)
5-0-33-4: M. Finn vs BOCC (2016)
6-0-33-4: P. Taiwo for H. Smith’s XI vs A. Chavan’s XI (2015)
7-1-33-4: H. Deshmukh vs Staten Island (WSL) (2018)
7-0-33-4: J. Moore vs Windsor (2007)
7.4-1-33-4: K. Venigalla vs Invaders (SCL) (2018)
8-1-33-4: A. Chavan vs New Haven (2014)
5-0-34-4: J. Lanham vs East Meadow (2007)
5-0-34-4: R. Pillai vs Combined XI (2015)
5-0-34-4: J. Moore vs Deccan Challengers (2019)
6-1-35-4: J. Moore vs St. Columba’s (2007)
6-0-36-4: M. Jadhav vs Blade Warriors (NYCL-Cup) (2017)
6.4-0-36-4: Preet N. vs Sarasota (2008)
7-0-36-4: V. Singh vs Blade Warriors (NYCL) (2018)
7-1-37-4: J. Moore vs UBS (2007)
8-0-37-4: D. Coutts vs New Milford (2014)
5-0-40-4: Jonas Wilson vs Staten Island (2002)
5-0-40-4: N. Harrison vs Hoboken (WSL) (2017)
7-0-40-4: J. Moore vs UBS (2002)
7-0-40-4: H. Smith vs Westchester (2015)
6.4-0-41-4: K. Lawrence vs Columbia (2004)
7-0-42-4: J. Moore vs Gypsies (2006)
7-0-42-4: R. Nichani vs Dynamic (2016)
6.5-0-44-4: Z. Choudhury vs KPMG (2011)
7-0-44-4: N. Harrison vs Tri-City (2005)
7-0-44-4: J. Moore vs Staten Island (2014)
7-0-45-4: K. Lawrence vs Columbia (2005)
7-0-46-4: J. Simon vs Fairfield (2017)
12.3-2-46-4: J. Sanders vs Columbia University (1998)
8-1-48-4: R. Nichani vs Bridgeport (2015)
6-0-50-4: N. Harrison vs Grenville (2007)
6.4-0-50-4: N. Harrison vs Yale (2007)
5-0-54-4: J. Wentworth-Ping vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1993)
D. Quirk took 4 wickets vs Haverford College in 2001, but no analysis exists for that game.
The only examples of two bowlers taking 4+ wickets in the same innings are:
D. Coutts and A. Chavan vs Shaheen (2013)
D. Coutts and J. Moore vs Columbia (2015)
R. Nichani (5) and H. Deshmukh vs Hoboken (2015)
P. Chaudhari and B. Simon vs Cheetah (2016)
R. Nichani and J. Moore vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (NYCL) (2017)
S. Bhakta (5) and J. Moore vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (2017)
H. Chaudhry (6) and P. Chaudhari vs Danbury (SCL) (2018) (the pair bowled unchanged)
Most 4+ Wicket Hauls, career Minimum 5
27: J. Moore (5 of 5+)
24: N. Harrison (10 of 5+)
14: R. Nichani (5 of 5+)
12 A. Chavan (4 of 5+)
10: P. Chaudhari (3 of 5+)
9: D. Quirk (2 of 5+),
8: B. Simon (2 of 5+)
7: K. Lawrence (3 of 5+)
5: D. Coutts (2 of 5+)
5: J. Thangavel (0 of 5+)
Most 4+ Wicket Hauls, season
5: R. Nichani (2015)
4: P. Chaudhari (2016), J. Moore (2017), A. Abeer (2019)
3: N. Harrison (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
3: J. Moore (2007, 2019)
3: S. Zacharias (2010)
3: A. Chavan (2012)
3: D. Coutts (2013)
3: R. Nichani (2016)
Hat-tricks (8)
S. Wilkinson in 0.4-0-1-3 vs Gypsies (1998)
N. Harrison in 7-1-13-5 vs Fairfield (2006)
K. Lawrence in 5-0-23-5 vs Philadelphia (2008)
D. Quirk in 2-2-0-4 vs Columbia (2011)
A. Bhavsar in 2-0-12-4 vs Galacticos (2012)
R. Nichani in 1-0-9-3 vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (2015)
M. Finn in 5.5-1-22-4 vs Hoboken (2015)
S. Khadka in 4.3-1-24-3 vs Dynamic (2016)
+ 3-wickets in consecutive balls, but over 2 matches
J. Moore vs Hoboken (WSL) 2 wickets and vs Westchester (WSL) 1 wicket (2019)
Economical or Effective Bowling Performances
8-4-6-4: P. Chaudhari vs Cheetah (2016) *
8-2-8-0: B. Simon vs Combined XI (NYCL) (2017)
8-1-9-1: L. McCallum vs BOCC (1992)
8-1-10-3: A. Chavan vs New Milford (SCL) (2019)
8-3-10-2: H. Sheriff vs Inverhaugh (2004)
8-3-11-4: B. Simon vs Cheetah (2016) *
* in same game
7-4-5-3: P. Chaudhari vs Cheshire (2016)
7-2-5-2: T. Boyke vs Gypsies (2005)
7-3-6-5: Prasanna R. vs Fairfield (2006)
7-4-6-0: V. Mehta vs Fairfield (WSL) (2017)
7-3-7-2: N. Harrison vs Westchester (WSL) (2018)
7-5-7-0: T. Boyke vs Merion (2001) (NB, 6 runs came off the first over, one no ball off the next 6)
7-4-8-1: J. Moore vs Westchester (WSL) (2019) +
7-3-8-4: J. Moore vs KPMG (2009)
7-1-8-2: T. Boyke vs United (2001)
7-4-8-1: B. Simon vs Westchester (2010)
7-1-9-3: A. Abeer vs Columbia (WSL) (2019)
7-4-9-1: R. Nichani vs Hoboken (2016)
7-1-9-1: J. Moore vs Columbia (2016)
7-2-10-5: P. Chaudhari vs Columbia (2016)
7-2-10-5: P. Chaudhari vs New Haven (2016)
7-2-10-3: J. Moore vs Hoboken (WSL) (2019) +
7-2-10-2: S. Santhanam vs Staten Island (2003)
+ in back-to-back games
6-5-2-3: J. Moore vs Cheetah (2017)
6-4-4-5: R. Nichani vs Hoboken (2015)
6-2-4-3: J. Thangavel vs Hoboken (2016)
6-3-5-3: T. Boyke vs BOCC (1997)
6-2-5-0: T. Boyke vs Rochester (2000)
6-3-6-4: S. Wilkinson vs Merion (1992)
6-2-6-3: J. Thangavel vs Columbia (2016)
6-0-8-4: Ritesh D. vs Blade Warriors (2015) (on debut)
6-0-8-4: A. Abeer vs Greenwich Dogs (2019)
6-2-8-2: H. Sheriff vs York (2004)
6-1-8-0: A. Chavan vs Westchester (2016)
6-2-9-6: A. Chavan vs Columbia (2009)
5-5-0-4: A. Chavan vs Kookaburras (2012)
5-3-2-1: B. Simon vs NY Kookaburras (2014)
5-3-3-1: Jonas Wilson vs United (2004)
5-2-4-2: T. Boyke vs Hoboken (2003)
5-1-5-3: Jonas Wilson vs BOCC (2004)
5-2-6-2: Jonas Wilson vs Haverford College (1994)
5-1-6-1: J. Moore vs Staten Island (2016)
5-2-6-0: T. Boyke vs BOCC (2004)
4-3-1-1: S. Santhanam vs Kookaburras (2012)
4-2-2-0: T. Boyke vs Merion (2003)
3-3-0-0: T. Forbes vs Merion (1998)
3-2-1-5: R. Nichani vs Philadelphia (PICF) (2017)
3-2-1-1: Prasanna R. vs Tri-City (2005)
3-2-1-1: J. Moore vs Staten Island (2016)
2-2-0-4: D. Quirk vs Columbia (2011) (including a hat-trick)
2-2-0-3: K. Lawrence vs Inverhaugh (2004)
2-1-1-3: T. Boyke vs Philadelphia (2003)
2-1-2-5: N. Harrison vs Waterbury (2009)
2.1-1-2-3: S. Khan vs Columbia (2016)
0.4-0-0-3: A. Arora vs Zulu Warriors! (2013)
0.5-0-0-3: R. Nichani vs Yale (2012)
1-1-0-3: J. Moore vs St. Lawrence Pirates (2013)
0.4-0-1-3: S. Wilkinson vs Gypsies (1998) (including a hat-trick)
1.5-0-1-3: J. Moore vs Westchester (2014)
1.4-1-1-3: K. Lawrence vs Rochester (2000)
1.4-1-2-3: R. Nichani vs New Haven Eagles (SCL semi-final) (2019)
1.2-0-3-3: J. Moore vs Norwalk (2003)
1.5-0-3-3: K. Lawrence vs Columbia (2006)
Expensive Bowling Performances
7-0-73-1: D. Johnson vs United (1997)
7-0-71-1: D. Quirk vs Gypsies (2003)
7-0-70-0: S. Zacharias vs New Haven (2010)
7-0-70-1: R. Nichani vs Cornwall (2015)
8-0-68-0: J. Wentworth-Ping vs BOCC (1993)
7-1-67-2: N. Harrison vs Fairfield (WSL) (2018)
7-0-67-1: D. Ennis vs BOCC (2003)
7-0-65-0: J. Moore vs Fairfield (2007)
7-0-65-1: N. Harrison vs Fairfield (2011)
7-0-65-3: Shadman Islam vs Valley Atomic (2016)
7-1-63-3: Preet N. vs Sarasota (2008)
7-0-63-1: A. Chavan vs Fairfield (WSL) (2019)
7-0-60-2: J. Moore vs BOCC (2002)
7-0-60-2: H. Deshmukh vs Columbia (WSL) (2018)
6-0-71-0: H. Deshmukh vs West Haven (SCL) (2018)
6-0-66-0: J. Wentworth-Ping vs Charlotte (1993)
6-0-60-0: H. Kojima vs Norwalk (2004)
6-0-60-0: K. Lawrence vs Waterbury (2003)
6-0-60-1: S. Santhanam vs Hoboken (2006)
5.4-0-58-1: M. Edge for Old and Wise Dogs vs Young and Callow Pups (2008)
6-0-58-0: J. Moore vs Waterbury (2003)
6-0-58-1: J. Moore vs Columbia (2015)
6-0-57-0: A. Phillips vs Hoboken (2016)
6-0-57-3: H. Kojima vs Nevis Masters (2005)
6-0-57-2: N. Harrison vs Superdads (2007)
5-0-74-1: G. Murphy vs Leg Trappers (1996)
4.5-0-67-1: K. Lawrence vs Waterbury (2003)
5-0-67-0: Justin Wilson vs Charlotte (1993)
5-0-62-1: A. Mahtani vs Sarasota (2014) *
5-0-58-0: J. Moore vs Fairfield (WSL) (2018)
5-0-57-1: G. Murphy vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1996)
5-0-56-0: Jonas Wilson vs Cosmos (2005)
5-0-56-0: S. Khadka vs Valley Atomic (2016)
5-0-56-2: R. Parikh vs Fairfield (2016)
4-0-61-0: K. Lawrence for Old and Wise Dogs vs Young and Callow Pups (2010)
4-0-61-0: A. Chavan vs AxA Tigers (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
4-0-58-0: H. Chaudhry vs Adam Sanford All Stars (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
4-0-57-0: Prasanna R. vs Adam Sanford All Stars (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
4-0-55-1: Jonas Wilson vs Staten Island (2002)
4-0-55-1: K. Lawrence vs Superdads (2007)
4-0-54-0: K. Lawrence vs Hoboken (2006)
4-0-54-1: J. Major vs Yale (2007)
4-0-52-1: B. Ennis vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1993)
4-0-51-0: H. Smith vs International XI (Prague Festival) (2018)
4-0-49-0: T. Haydon vs Nevis Masters (2005)
4-0-49-1: H. Kojima vs Westchester (2007)
4-0-49-1: A. Chavan vs Adam Sanford All Stars (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
4-0-48-1: O. Thompson vs Waterbury (2005)
4-0-48-0: N. Kapoor vs Westchester (2007)
4-0-48-0: J. Moore vs RAC (PICF) (2018)
3-0-66-0: K. Singh vs Adam Sanford All Stars (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
3-0-53-2: J. Wentworth-Ping vs Staten Island (1992)
3-0-48-0: S. Santhanam vs UBS (2003)
3-0-47-0: J. Simon vs Kookaburras (2012)
3-0-46-0: N. Kimberley vs Stamford (1993)
3-0-46-0: Schwartz vs Waterbury (2003)
3-0-46-0: A. Mahtani vs Sarasota (2014) *
3-0-45-0: J. Major vs Fairfield (2008)
3-0-45-0: S. Rangarajan vs AxA Tigers (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
3-1-44-0: P. Rao vs Staten Island (2016)
3-0-44-1: J. Moore vs UBS (2002)
2-0-49-0: S. Zacharias vs Windies (2015)
2-0-39-0: R. Nichani vs Sledgehammer (Prague Festival) (2019)
2-0-38-0: M. Duncton vs Waterbury (2004)
2-0-36-0: J. Thornton vs Gypsies (2005)
2-0-36-0: Thakur S. vs Fairfield (2016)
2-0-36-0: Shadman Islam vs Staten Island (2016)
2-0-36-0: J. Thangavel vs Sledgehammer (Prague Festival) (2019)
2-0-35-0: D. Quirk vs Waterbury (2009)
2-0-35-0: S. Khan vs Galacticos (2013)
2-0-35-0: M. Finn vs Windies (2015)
2-0-35-0: V. Mehta vs Strikers (NYCL-T20) (2019)
2-0-34-0: V. Parvatheneni vs Windies (2015)
2-0-34-0: N. Gudapati vs DJ Morrishaw Sports Club (2017)
2-0-33-0: A. Kabbur vs Staten Island (WSL) (2018)
2-0-33-0: J. Moore vs Primrose (NYCL) (2018)
2-0-32-0: J. Adelli vs Cornwall (NYCL) (2019)
2-0-32-1: N. Harrison vs Waterbury (2009)
2-0-32-2: G. Rey vs Sledgehammer (Prague Festival) (2019)
2-0-31-0: J. Wentworth-Ping vs Peachtree (1992)
2-0-31-0: N. Harrison vs Gypsies (2003)
2-0-31-0: N. Harrison vs Pressure Pumpers (2007)
2-0-31-0: Kalsi for Old and Wise Dogs vs Young and Callow Pups (2013)
2-0-31-1: M. Finn vs Staten Island (2016)
2-0-30-0: N. Kimberley vs Nevis Masters (2005)
2-0-30-0: N. Harrison vs Littleton (2010)
2-0-30-0: S. Rangarajan vs Sarasota (2019)
2-0-30-2: Reid vs Stamford (1993)
2-0-29-1: Bansal vs NY Kookaburras (2013)
2-0-29-1: P. Chaudhri vs Galacticos (2015) (on debut)
2-0-28-0: K. Dent vs Leg Trappers (1996)
2-0-28-0: B. Collins vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1998)
2-0-28-0: D. Quirk vs ANZACS (2007)
2-0-28-0: M. Jadhav for Pumpkins vs Turkeys (2016)
1-0-32-0: A. Sohail for M. Salahuddin’s XI vs. A. Chavan’s XI (2017)
1-0-29-0: S. Thekkenmar vs Westchester (2007)
1-0-27-0: N. Jones vs Staten Island (2002) (opening over of the WSL Final)
1-0-26-0: J. Simon vs Fairfield (2012)
1-0-25-0: H. Kojima vs Staten Island (2008)
1-0-25-0: C. Kulasingha vs Nondescripts (2011)
1-0-25-0: M. Blomfield vs Costa Crusaders (2016)
1-0-25-0: S. Rangarajan vs Adam Sanford All Stars (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
1-0-24-0: A. Bush vs St. Columba’s (2007)
1-0-24-0: K. Lawrence vs NY Kookaburras (2019)
1-0-24-0: P. Rao vs Greenwich Dogs (2019)
1-0-23-1: A. Syed vs Dynamic (NYCL-T20) (2019)
1-0-23-0: N. Kimberley vs Tri-City (2005)
1-0-23-0: Zafar vs BOCC (2007)
1-0-23-0: N. Puri vs Cavaliers (2014)
* Mahtani’s bowling performances vs Sarasota in 2014 were accomplished on the same weekend
Most Runs Conceded Off One Over
32: P. Rao vs Staten Island (2016)
32: A. Sohail for M. Salahuddin’s XI vs. A. Chavan’s XI (2017)
29: J. Moore vs UBS (2002)
29: S. Thekkenmar vs Westchester (2007)
28: R. Nichani vs Galacticos (2015)
27: N. Jones vs Staten Island (2002) (opening over of the WSL Final)
27: J. Moore vs Columbia (2015) (7-ball over)
27: D. Quirk vs Waterbury (2009)
27: Thakur S. vs Fairfield (2016)
26: J. Simon vs Fairfield (2012)
26: J. Simon vs Kookaburras (2012)
26: A. Chavan vs St. John’s (2012)
26: S. Zacharias vs Windies (2015)
26: D. Coutts vs New Edinburgh (2019)
25: B. Ennis vs Gentlemen of Philadelphia (1993)
25: H. Kojima vs Staten Island (2008)
25: C. Kulasingha vs Nondescripts (2011)
25: Thakur S. vs BOCC (2016)
25: M. Blomfield vs Costa Crusaders (2016)
25: S. Rangarajan vs Adam Sanford All Stars (St. Martin Tournament) (2019)
24: J. Wentworth-Ping vs Staten Island (1992)
24: Justin Wilson vs Charlotte (1993)
24: Zamim vs Waterbury (2005)
24: J. Moore vs Waterbury (2005)
24: A. Bush vs St. Columba’s (2007)
24 Shadman Islam vs Staten Island (2016)
24: K. Lawrence vs NY Kookaburras (2019)
Most wides delivered in one innings
25: P. Mascarenhas vs Colonial Cavaliers (2014)
The Career Double
The following players have scored 1000 runs and taken 100 wickets for the Mad Dogs, listed by the year in which they achieved this feat
2003: Tony Boyke
2005: David Quirk
2005: Keith Lawrence (2014; double-double 2000 runs, 200 wickets)
2007: John Moore (2010; double-double 2000 runs, 200 wickets; 2015; triple-triple 3000 runs, 300 wickets)
2008: Jonas Wilson
2008: Neil Harrison (2018: double-double 2000 runs, 200 wickets)
2010: Prasanna Ramaswamy
2011: Sanjay Santhanam
2012: Anand Chavan (2016; double-double 2000 runs, 200 wickets)
2014: Ravi Nichani (2016; double-double 2000 runs, 200 wickets)
2019: Jagadeesan Thangavel
2019: Harshad Deshmukh
Games required to achieve the double
61: D. Quirk
77: Prasanna R.
77: A. Chavan (double-double in 164 games)
81: J. Thangavel
105: R. Nichani (double-double in 185 games)
109: H. Smith
110: T. Boyke
113: K. Lawrence (double-double in 293 games)
113: J. Wilson
129: J. Moore (double-double in 243 games; triple-triple in 430 games)
132: S. Santhanam
136: H. Deshmukh
139: N. Harrison (double-double in 387 games)
Boyke reached the double in his 100th game, the League final against UBS on October 3, 2003 (played at Norwalk’s ground). His 100th wicket was none other than Prasanna Ramaswamy, caught behind for 11 by James Cox off an outside edge, a critical event in a game that the Dogs narrowly won to clinch the title.
Quirk reached the double in his 61st game, which was a league game against Staten Island on July 30, 2005 (at Mad Dog Park). Entering the game just short of both the 1000 run and 100 wicket marks, he achieved both feats that same day. His 100th wicket was that of Danish, stumped by Farricker for 1; the 1000th run was his 11th in an innings of 17 later that afternoon, part of a successful run-chase.
Lawrence reached the double in his 113th game, the League final against Gypsies on October 1, 2005 (at Mad Dog Park). He bowled Nitin for 8 with a flighted off-break to take his 100th wicket. Unfortunately, the Dogs lost the game.
Moore reached the double in his 129th game, in the Philadelphia Festival against Merion (at Merion) on May 4, 2007. His 13th run in a match-winning, unbroken 6th wicket stand of 48 with Harrison was his 1000th.
Wilson reached the double in his 113th game, representing the Old and Wise Dogs against the Young and Callow Pups on September 28, 2008. He bowled Prasanna Ramaswamy (!) for 42, a horrendous slog, to take his 100th wicket, but he finished on the losing side.
Harrison reached the double in his 139th game, against Merion on October 19, 2008 at the Merion ground. Opening the batting, his 5th run in an innings of 9 was his 1000th, helping the Dogs to win the match.
Prasanna reached the double in his 77th game, against BOCC on October 16, 2010 at Haverford College. His 100th wicket came via a catch taken by Bert Simon in the deep, but the Dogs lost the game.
Santhanam reached the double in his 132nd game when he bowled David Quirk (!) in a game against the NY Kookaburras (at Mad Dog Park) to take his 100th wicket. The feat occurred on June 20, 2011, in a game the Mad Dogs won.
Chavan took his 100th wicket in 2011 and passed the 1000-run mark on June 10, 2012 in a victorious SCtCA match against New Milford-2. He needed 5 runs in the innings to reach the milestone and ended with 49* (his highest score of the season) in his 77th game for the Mad Dogs.
Nichani started the friendly game against Westchester at Mad Dog Park on June 28, 2014 needing a single to complete the double. He struck a 4 off his 2nd ball on his way to an unbeaten 55 that helped the Dogs win the game, his 105th for the club. It was quite a day as he also broke the club record for the most consecutive dot balls faced in a single innings (27).
Smith took his 100th wicket on a chilly day, April 21, 2018, in a friendly against the Galacticos at VCP, when he trapped the opening batsman LBW with a characteristic in-ducker. He took a second wicket later in the innings, but despite his efforts the Dogs lost the game.
Thangavel completed the double by taking his 100th wicket in a hard-fought WSL victory over Galacticos at Van Cortland Park when he bowled the #9-batsman in a 3-wicket spell that closed out the win, by a mere 3 runs defending 84.
Deshmukh took his 100th wicket to complete his double in the last game of the 2019 season, a narrow loss to IIT-ers of Southern CT at Mad Dog Park, when he trapped the opening batsman LBW for 0 in his first over.
The Season Double
The following players have exceeded the various seasonal marks listed below
500 runs + 50 wickets
J. Thangavel: 639 + 53 (2017)
A. Abeer: 629 + 51 (2019) (in debut season)
400 runs + 40 wickets
J. Moore: 462 + 49 (2007)
R. Nichani 414 + 44 (2014)
R. Nichani: 469 + 63 (2015)
300 runs + 30 wickets
N. Harrison: 383 + 50 (2007)
J. Moore: 305 + 44 (2008)
J. Moore: 353 + 52 (2010)
R. Nichani: 406 + 38 (2012)
J. Thangavel: 515 + 38 (2016)
R. Nichani: 310 + 45 (2016)
H. Deshmukh: 495 + 31 (2018)
J. Thangavel: 540 + 34 (2019)
250 runs + 25 wickets
D. Quirk: 313 + 28 (2003)
J. Moore: 252 + 39 (2006)
N. Harrison: 278 + 47 (2008)
A. Chavan: 295 + 39 (2010)
S. Santhanam: 510 + 28 (2010)
A. Chavan: 284 + 31 (2011)
A. Chavan: 277 + 40 (2012)
S. Santhanam: 274 + 36 (2012)
K. Lawrence 377 + 25 (2013)
P. Chaudhari: 271 + 29 (2016)
A. Chavan: 252 + 30 (2016)
P. Chaudhari: 259 + 31 (2017)
H. Deshmukh: 376 + 26 (2019)
200 runs + 20 wickets
T. Boyke: 214 + 22 (2000)
K. Lawrence: 524 + 20 (2000)
D. Quirk: 216 + 36 (2001)
D. Quirk: 283 + 20 (2002)
R. Coates: 290 + 23 (2003)
J. Moore: 228 + 27 (2005)
K. Lawrence: 602 + 20 (2005)
Prasanna R.: 451 + 23 (2006)
Prasanna R.: 489 + 22 (2007)
A. Chavan: 221 + 29 (2009)
S. Santhanam: 356 + 20 (2011)
J. Moore: 235 + 55 (2013)
R. Nichani: 244 + 40 (2013)
A. Chavan: 231 + 26 (2013)
D. Coutts: 200 + 23 (2014)
B. Simon: 298 + 24 (2015)
A. Chavan: 286 + 22 (2015)
H. Deshmukh: 263 + 20 (2016)
R. Nichani: 219 + 43 (2017)
A. Chavan: 215 + 31 (2017)
M. Salahuddin: 524 + 22 (2017)
R. Nichani: 240 + 23 (2018)
A. Subramaniam: 214 + 21 (2019)
200 runs + 20 dismissals (by a wicket-keeper)
P. Jones: 205 + 41 (2015)
A. Arora: 354 + 21 (2015)
M. Salahuddin: 524 + 23 (2017) (plus 22 wickets)
G. Rey: 293 + 20 (2018)
T. Munakala: 493 + 22 (2019)
200 runs + 20 dismissals (by a wicket-keeper/outfielder)
I. Chin: 417 + 19/5 (2013)
I. Chin: 254 + 12/12 (2014)
G. Rey: 350 + 19/4 (2016)
A. Fullard: 531 + 26 (2019)
Exceptional all-round games (50 and 4+ wickets)
K. Lawrence vs New Haven (2001): 92 and 5.2-0-27-5
K. Lawrence vs Columbia (2005): 82* and 7-0-45-4
E. McPherson vs Bergen (2013): 109* and 3-0-22-4
P. Chaudhari vs New Milford (2015): 68* and 5.5-0-13-4
Fielding records
Outfield Catches Taken, career
In the 1990s, few catches were recorded by name. Players from that era will have taken more than are listed.
157: N. Harrison
112: R. Nichani
109: J. Moore
91: K. Lawrence
77: B. Simon
62: A. Fullard, J. Thangavel
61: Prasanna R.
57: Adarsh S.
55: Jonas Wilson
52: H. Smith, A. Chavan
46: D. Quirk, N. Armitage
42: D. Coutts
41: S. Santhanam
40: N. Kimberley
36: J. Thornton
34: S. Zacharias, P. Taiwo, A. Arora
33: I. Chin, H. Chaudhry
31: T. Boyke
30: H. Deshmukh
27: T. Haydon, M. Jadhav
26: A. Snee, S. Bhakta
24: R. Coates
23: N. Puri, Shadman Islam
22: B. Collins, A. Yitta
21: D. Daley, Sriram Rangarajan
20: M. Salahuddin, G. Rey
19: D. Johnson, C. Coward
18: A. Bush, A. Bhavsar, S. Patel, M. Finn, J. Simon
17: B. Ennis, H. Kojima, A. Mahtani, R. Pillai, V. Mehta, L. Bhadava A. Subramaniam
16: J. Woodbridge, Y. Bari, A. Kabbur
15: P. Chaudhari, Upul S.
14: Z. Choudhury, (Substitute fielders)
13: E. McPherson, D. Ennis
12: K. Venigalla, A. Abeer
11: P. Mascarenhas, R. Zawar,
10: Justin Wilson, Preet N., M. Blomfield, R. Goodier, P. Gray, K. Bhalla, H. Dowe
9: J. Hodges, Thakur S., S. Hill, P. Parida, A. Kaushik
8: Piyush S., M. Dasaraju,
7: S. Khan, K. Maini, S. Bhatt
6: A. Mukherjee, O. Kinsey, N. Kapoor, E. Palmer, V, Vij, P. Jones, A. Phillips, N. Green, N. Singh, S. Bhagwat,J. Adelli
5: C. McGovern, K. Aarons, N. Jones, G. Sood, A. Virk, A. Sharma
4: J. Wentworth-Ping, J. Benson, T. Forbes, A. Straw, Tristram, D. Roper, A. Oosthuizen, M. Trappler, R. Knight, N. Howden, J. Lanham, Guhan, N. Cartwright, S. Nichani, A. Curry, V. Jaiswal, J. Ingram, S. Khadka, S. Anand, F. Farricker, N. Aggarwal, O. Rana
3: Bell, Davis, A. Chick, G. Murphy, Faisal, Sheikh, Ravi, R. Wolf, Lee, S. Cherala, K. Vuppala, T. Pratt, Cousins, M. Mehta, M. Audain, D. Hettiarachchi, J. Crozier-Durham, R. Parikh, D. Laurien, A. Kadimisetty, T. Munakala
2: Reid, L. McCallum, B. Sloman, Moule, Bronx, Thomasson, T. Sacre, Stewart, Buckley, Beatty, Mathew, Manohar, B. John, P. Harris, R. Kanoff, N. Thakar, R. Hounsell, Trivedi, N. Collins, B. Larder, Reddy, K. Banerjee, P. Holikar, R. Nandy, A. Corkin, Jaymin, C. Roberts, S. Thakenmar, Kishan, K. Dass, J. Khan, R. Ramnarine, A. Rehman, S. Saeed, S. Garamella, A. Vaghela, S. Kumalall, A. Raza, K. Chavan, J. Levine, M. Shipman, S. Abdullah, T. Parekh, T. Benedict, P. Rao, M. Navid, V. Katkool, Z. Shaikh, U. Ali, N. Gaur, N. Gudapati, Akhil Shah, R. Alfaro, D. Goodison, D. Surti, S. Malhotra, K. Edla, N. Suri, K. Singh
1: Denny, R. Longmuir, Pates, Hart, C. Harris, Jake Wilson, Lowry, Charles, Sunil, Hassan, M. Masotti, Hartford, Frazer, Datar, Kumar, Neville, Kennedy, De Lacey, Liendl, Lawson, Blyth, McIntyre, Everett, M. Carcanague, Hurst, Pavell, Bolger, Ralph, Idris, Hyman, Y. Munli, Vivek, Boon, Hay, C. Joss, Schwartz, N. Kita, J. Cox, Rajeev, De Patoul, Kissoon, Abishek, Sheetal, Santosh, Som, Bhuiyan, Nichol, Ramani, J. Major, M. Edge, Weatherhill, Abdullah, K. Yadav, Imperatore, Chitta, Harun, D. Stubbs, Hitender, Satish, Vish, I. Webb, Garman, Saini, N. Sundar, Krishnan, Ramesh, Sobers, G. Ashton, Sameer, Daud, V. Das, Virat, Briggs, Evans, E. McHargh, B. Cordingley, P. Plunkett, B. Whelan, Jain, A. Bazillo, Nielson, Ward, R. McHarg, B. Chaudhry, Poro, Ms. K. Lambrose, N. Talwar, D. Narayan, Y. Abbas, A. Pervaiz, E. Mattis, V. Parvathaneni, M. Arab, O. Franks, S. Nanda, S. Ramakrishnan, K. Isaac, M. Sajat, Ritesh D., M. Sharma, M. Kumar, S. Modani, A. McKone, T. Thandi, R. Rickets, V. Kapoor, P. Khanapurkar, S. Biswas, Manoj M., D. Goyal, S. Adlakha, P. Gupta, O. Wilson, S. Bajaj, A. Sohail, M.M. Zaman, W. Iqbal, Smit, M. Naqvi, A. Whyte, M. Iqbal, M. Murphy, M. Aren Biko, H. Vassell, M. Madhu, A. Kadimisetty, V. Singh, K. Ernest, R. Khan, B. Acharya, B. Powell, A. Chitale, H. Paul, A. Paralkar, R. Slathia, S. Patra, P. Desai, R. Katri, Alekh Shah, A. Syed, S. Adlakha, A. Smith,
Outfield Catches Taken, season
26: A. Fullard (2019)
24: J. Thangavel (2017)
20: R. Nichani (2012)
19: J. Thangavel (2019)
18: N. Harrison (2010), R. Nichani (2014)
16: N. Harrison (2007, 2013), D. Coutts (2014), A. Fullard (2017), Sriram Rangarajan (2019)
15: R. Nichani (2015)
14: R. Nichani (2017)
13: Prasanna R. (2004), S. Santhanam (2010), A. Chavan (2012), D. Coutts (2013), G. Rey (2019)
12: S. Zacharias (2010), I. Chin (2014), B. Simon (2015), A. Abeer (2019)
11: N. Kimberley (2010), H. Smith (2012), Adarsh S. (2012), M. Jadhav (2019)
10: Prasanna R. (2005), N. Harrison (2008, 2011), B. Simon (2008), J. Thornton (2010), J. Moore (2013, 2015), R. Nichani (2013), Adarsh S. (2014), B. Simon (2017), A. Kabbur (2017), A. Fullard (2018)
Outfield Catches Taken, game
4: H. Smith vs UBS (2008)
4: N. Harrison vs Cheetah (2014)
4: M. Salahuddin vs Staten Island (2015)
4: M. Dasaraju vs Columbia (2017)
4: R. Nichani vs Invitational XI (Prague Festival) (2018)
4: A. Fullard vs Merion (2019)
Contributions of Outfielders to Run-outs, career Distribution between solo run-outs and assists is not always accurate. In the 1990’s, few run-outs were recorded by name.
40: J. Moore (10 + 30 assists)
31: N. Harrison (10 + 21 assists)
30: R. Nichani (7 + 23 assists)
26: B. Simon (5 + 21 assists)
18: H. Smith (2 + 16 assists)
15: S. Santhanam (1 + 14 assists), Prasanna R. (5 + 10 assists)
13: D. Quirk (3 + 10 assists), K. Lawrence (4 + 9 assists)
12: Jonas Wilson (2 + 10 assists), S. Zacharias (3 + 9 assists), Adarsh S. (5 + 7 assists), T. Boyke (2 + 10 assists)
11: J. Thangavel (4 + 7 assists)
9: P. Chaudhari (5 + 4 assists), V. Mehta (1 + 8 assists)
8: R. Coates (2 + 6 assists), Z. Choudhury (3 + 5 assists), A. Mahtani (4 + 4 assists), I. Chin (4 + 4 assists),
7: N. Kimberley (7 assists), A. Arora (7 assists), A. Snee (7 assists), A. Fullard (2 + 5 assists), Substitute fielder (2 + 5 assists)
6: D. Johnson (4 + 2 assists), A. Yitta (4 + 2 assists), V. Vij (6 assists), N. Puri (2 + 4 assists), D. Coutts (2 + 4 assists), D. Goodison (6 assists), G. Rey (1 + 5 assists), A. Abeer (2 + 4 assists)
5: M. Blomfield (5 assists), P. Taiwo (5 assists), D. Ennis (2 + 3 assists), M. Salahuddin (5 assists), A. Chavan (1 + 4 assists), H. Deshmukh (1 + 4 assists)
4: B. Collins (3 + 1 assist), R. Kanoff (2 + 2 assists), Thakur S. (4 assists), Preet N. (1 + 3 assists), J. Thornton (1 + 3 assists), H. Chaudhry (1 + 3 assists), H. Dowe (3 + 1 assist), M. Finn (1 + 3 assists), M. Jadhav (4 assists), L. Bhadava (2 + 2 assists)
3: A. Oosthuizen (3 assists), A. Bush (1 + 2 assists), E. McPherson (3 assists), S. Khan (3 assists), S. Khadka (1 + 2 assists), Shadman Islam (1 + 2 assists), J. Adelli (2 + 1 assist), N. Green (1 + 2 assists),
2: P. Harris (2 assists), R. Wolf (2 assists), R. Goodier (2 assists), T. Haydon (2 assists), H. Kojima (1 + 1 assist), N. Howden (1 + 1 assist), J. Ingram (2 assists), S. Nichani (2 assists), R. Pillai (2 assists), J. Woodbridge (2 assists), S. Thakenmar (2 assists), A. Bhavsar (1 + 1 assist), A. Cousins (2 assists), J. Simon (2 assists), R. Zawar (2 assists), P. Jones (2 assists), T. Benedict (2 assists), Upul S. (1 + 1 assist), K. Bhalla (1 + 1 assist), A. Sharma (1 + 1 assist), A. Kabbur (2 assists), S. Adhlaka (2 assists), A. Subramaniam (1 + 1 assist), S. Bhakta (2 assists), N. Aggarwal (2 assists), K. Venigalla (2 assists), S. Bhatt (2 assists)
1: Hyman (1), Pates (1), D. Roper (1 assist), A. Straw (1), Purdy (1 assist), N. Kita (1 assist), Nembard (1), Rudy (1), Dhwanil (1), Costello (1), P. Heywood (1 assist), Warner (1 assist), Dey (1 assist), G. Sood (1 assist), Sheetal (1 assist), O. Thompson (1 assist), S. Cox (1 assist), S. Garamella (1 assist), J. Lanham (1 assist), Jake Wilson (1 assist), K. Banerjee (1 assist), R. Knight (1 assist), Guhan (1), N. Howden (1 assist), Saqib (1), G. Webb (1), R. Nandy (1 assist), J. Kaytes (1 assist), C. Roberts (1 assist), J. Hodges (1 assist), J. Khan (1 assist), V. Jaiswal (1 assist), V. Das (1 assist), M. Audain (1), A. Bazillo (1), K. Dass (1), A. Curry (1 assist), A. Vaghela (1 assist), Y. Bari (1 assist), P. Mascarenhas (1), A. Virk (1 assist), S. Nanda (1 assist), M. Sajat (1 assist), P. Singh (1 assist), T. Parekh (1 assist), M. Kumar (1), P. Gupta (1), K. Nistala (1 assist), A. Phllips (1 assist), R. Parikh (1 assist), S. Kumalall (1 assist), Akhil Shah (1 assist), Z. Shaikh (1 assist), S. Hill (1 assist), P. Rao (1 assist), Navneet (1 assist), Saqeeb (1 assist), N. Prasad (1 assist), V. Khatkool (1 assist), S. Patel (1), U. Ali (1 assist), D. Goyal (1 assist), M. Dasaraju (1 assist), M.M. Zaman (1 assist), Bushant (1), J. Webb (1), A. Khadimisetty (1 assist), B. Acharya (1 assist), P. Parida (1 assist), B. Powell (1 assist), D. Laurien (1), M. Madhu (1), G. Kinsey (1), Jahmid Ahmed (1), A. Kaushik (1 assist), A. Chitale (1 assist), S. Patra (1 assist), V. Chandran (1 assist), P. Desai (1 assist)
Contributions of Outfielders to Run-outs, season (total; solo + assists)
6: J. Moore (2009), V. Vij (2012), J. Thangavel (2017), A. Abeer (2019)
5: M. Blomfield (2010), R. Nichani (2013), A. Mahtani (2014), J. Moore (2014), R. Nichani (2014), B. Simon (2017), R. Nichani (2017), V. Mehta (2017)
4: T. Boyke (2005), N. Harrison (2007, 2010), H. Smith (2007), D. Coutts (2013), P. Chaudhari (2015), J. Moore (2015), M. Salahuddin (2017), R. Nichani (2018)
Wicket-keeping records
In the 1990’s, the wicket-keeper was rarely recorded by name. Players from that era will have taken many more dismissals than are listed here.
Most Dismissals, career
155: P. Jones (Caught 65, Stumped 90)
74: K. Lawrence (Caught 33, Stumped 41)
72: P. Gray (Caught 33, Stumped 39)
72: G. Rey (Caught 47, Stumped 25)
64: F. Farricker (Caught 39, Stumped 25)
63: M. Salahuddin (Caught 31, Stumped 32)
59: A. Arora (Caught 36, Stumped 23)
37: I. Chin (Caught 22, Stumped 15)
35: Jonas Wilson (Caught 19, Stumped 16)
32: E. Palmer (Caught 15, Stumped 17)
26: K. Banerjee (Caught 9, Stumped 17)
25: Adarsh S. (Caught 10, Stumped 15)
22: J. Cox (Caught 10, Stumped 12)
22: T. Munakala (Caught 17, Stumped 5)
14: J. Whelan (Caught 8, Stumped 6)
13: A. Subramaniam (Caught 12, Stumped 1)
11: D. Johnson (Caught 6, Stumped 5)
10: K. Dent (Caught 7, Stumped 3)
11: S. Bhakta (Caught 6, Stumped 5)
6: B. Sloman (Caught 5, Stumped 1), S. Ramesh (Caught 3, Stumped 3),
5: J. Thornton (Caught 3, Stumped 2), M. Mehta (Caught 2, Stumped 3), M. Kumar (Caught 4, Stumped 1), S. Khadka (Caught 2, Stumped 3)
4: K. Aarons (Caught 4), A. Chavan (Caught 3, Stumped 1),
3: C. Coward (Caught 3), J. Albert (Caught 2, Stumped 1), P. Parida (Caught 2, Stumped 1), K. Venigalla (Caught 3)
2: Blyth (Caught 1, Stumped 1), N. Kapoor (Caught 2), S. Mills (Caught 1, Stumped 1), V. Vij (Stumped 2), A. Mahtani (Caught 1, Stumped 1), P. Plunkett (Stumped 2), N. Armitage (Caught 1, Stumped 1), V. Chaturvedi (Caught 1, Stumped 1), I. Pillay (Caught 1, Stumped 1), J. Clarke (Caught 2), M. Finn (Caught 2), Shadman Islam (Caught 2), P. Taiwo (Caught 1, Stumped 1), S. Anand (Caught 2)
1: Delaney (Caught 1), Scottie (Stumped 1), D. Stubbs (Stumped 1), Opposition substitute (Caught 1), H. Smith (Stumped 1), S. Kumalall (Caught 1), N. Gaur (Stumped 1), S. Bhagwat (Caught 1), A. Chitale (Caught 1), O. Rana (Caught 1), S. Khawaja (Caught 1)
Most Dismissals, game (accomplishments in early years may have been missed)
5: A. Arora (1 stumped, 4 caught) vs Hoboken (2015)
P. Jones (1 stumped, 4 caught) vs NY Kookaburras (2015) (+ 1 run-out)
4: D. Johnson (3 stumped, 1 caught) for Old Dogs vs Young Pups (2013)
P. Gray (4 stumped) vs Yale (2014)
Adarsh S. (3 stumped, 1 caught) vs Fairfield (2014)
P. Jones (2 stumped, 2 caught) vs NY Kookaburras (2015)
A. Arora (3 stumped, 1 caught) vs L&T Infotech (2015)
P. Jones (4 stumped) vs Staten Island (2015)
M. Salahuddin (caught 1, stumped 3) vs Philadelphia (2017)
A. Subramaniam (caught 4) vs New Haven (2017)
G. Rey (Caught 1, Stumped 3) vs Staten Island (2018)
G. Rey (Caught 3, Stumped 1) vs Amwell Valley (2018)
Most Dismissals, season
41: P. Jones (2015)
23: M. Salahuddin (2017)
22: T. Munakala (2019)
21: A. Arora (2015), P. Jones (2016)
20: G. Rey (2018)
19: P. Gray (2010), I. Chin (2013), G. Rey (2016)
18: P. Gray (2011)
17: P. Jones (2013, 2018), M. Salahuddin (2015)
16: P. Jones (2014), G. Rey (2015), P. Jones (2019)
13: P. Jones (2012), A. Arora (2013)
12: J. Cox (2004), K. Lawrence (2007), I. Chin (2014)
Most Catches, season
17: T. Munakala (2019) (in debut season)
16: P. Jones (2015)
15: G. Rey (2016)
13: A. Arora (2015), M. Salahuddin (2017)
11: G. Rey (2018)
10: P. Gray (2010), G. Rey (2015), P. Jones (2016)
9: P. Jones (2013), I. Chin (2014)
8: I. Chin (2013), P. Jones (2018)
7: F. Farricker (2002), A. Arora (2012)
Most Stumpings, season
25: P. Jones (2015)
12: M. Salahuddin (2015)
11: P. Gray (2011), I. Chin (2013), P. Jones (2016), P. Jones (2019)
10: P. Jones (2014), M. Salahuddin (2017)
9: K. Banerjee (2007), P. Gray (2010), G. Rey (2018), P. Jones (2018)
8: P. Jones (2013), A. Arora (2015)
Wicket-keeper Contributions to Run-outs, career
40: P. Jones (7 + 33 assists)
23: M. Salahuddin (2 + 21 assists)
19: F. Farricker (19 assists)
14: E. Palmer (3 + 11 assists)
13: P. Gray (13 assists)
13: K. Lawrence (1 + 12 assists)
12: T. Munakala (1 + 11 assists)
11: G. Rey (2 + 9 assists)
10: I. Chin (3 + 7 assists)
9: Jonas Wilson (1 + 8 assists), J. Whelan (1 + 8 assists)
8: K. Banerjee (1 + 7 assists), Adarsh S. (1 + 7 assists),
7: A. Arora (1 + 6 assists)
6: S. Bhakta (1 + 5 assists)
5: J. Cox (1 + 4 assists), M. Mehta (1 + 4 assists)
3: N. Armitage (3 assists), P. Parida (3 assists)
2: A. Subramaniam (2 assists), M. Finn (1 + 1 assist),
1: P. Plunkett (1 assist), A. Chavan (1 assist), S. Khadka (1 assist), A. Whyte (1 assist), A. Chitale (1 assist)