The boundaries of Mad Dog Park (Greenwich Field)
Information for visiting sides
The boundaries of Mad Dog Park are irregular, which has created confusion in the past. Here are the rules for the Greenwich field:
- A ball striking a permanent or temporarily erected fence, a hedge in front of a fence, or any part of the baseball cage, scores four runs, even if the ball then bounces directly over the fence or cage.
- A ball striking any part of an overhanging tree, without first bouncing, scores six runs, whether or not the ball might have fallen within the field of play.
- A ball clearing a fence or the baseball cage scores six runs. A ball landing within the baseball cage, but not striking it, is still in play.
- Where there is no fence, the boundary is marked either by the edge of the cut field or by boundary cones and the imaginary, straight line between them. Any ball clearing such a boundary without bouncing scores six runs, whether or not it passes lower than an adjacent fence.
- The small strip between the baseball cage and the fence (which includes the bleacher seats) is not in play. The boundary here is a straight line between the last post on the cage and the nearest point on the fence (it runs parallel with the line of the stumps). Any ball crossing that line after previously making contact with the ground is a four; any ball crossing that line on the fly is a six.
- If a fielder catches the ball within the field of play but is in contact with a fence or the baseball cage, or makes contact while in control of the ball, the catch is deemed to have been completed and the batsman is out.
- Where there is no boundary fence, if a fielder catches the ball within the field of play but then comes into contact with, or steps over, the boundary line, the batsman is not out and six runs are awarded.
- If a fielder deflects the ball on the fly, over a fence or a boundary line, six runs are awarded.
- If a ball bounces within the field of play, and the fielder then deflects it over a fence or a boundary line, four runs are awarded.